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  1. Outlaw69

    Sup mofos

    i hear ya. I had about 15 people down stairs at one point including all my nieces and nephews learning about the birds and bees.
  2. Outlaw69

    Sup mofos

    just thought I'd check in and see how you fucks were doing. My cat had 5 babies last was neat and gross.
  3. Outlaw69

    End of an era

    sup s4. long time no see.
  4. Outlaw69

    Pass me some good thought please

    I feel your pain Sam. I lost my Mom last year to cancer..not easy, and I think of her every single day.
  5. Outlaw69

    This thread will make intarweb History!!!

    probably not but it made you look. I have absolutely nothing to say except "sup bastiches"
  6. Outlaw69

    A message from the Children of the 70s and late 60s

    MrBishop you nailed it right on the head...speaking as a 35 year old of course.
  7. Outlaw69

    Hey guys

    Come sit with me and have a beer.
  8. Outlaw69

    Goodbye OTC.....

    whats going on in this thread?
  9. Outlaw69


    where's me lucky charms?
  10. Outlaw69

    Ya'll are still alive?

    I'm still here.
  11. Outlaw69

    I hate phones

    no clue man...haven't visited in quite a few months.
  12. Outlaw69

    I hate phones

    I might of stole them from OCN.
  13. Outlaw69

    I hate phones

    phone companys can suck my big fat veiny protuberance.
  14. Outlaw69

    My n00bs are showing

    here and there. getting drunk & stoned...i lost my way.
  15. Outlaw69

    My n00bs are showing

    so whats going on mofos? i'm doing the same shit I've done forever. getting drunk & stoned.
  16. Outlaw69

    My n00bs are showing

    just barely.
  17. Outlaw69

    My n00bs are showing

    just making a joke, babe.
  18. Outlaw69

    My n00bs are showing

    I'm new here so please welcome me.
  19. Outlaw69


    put a 1 in front of those 2 numbers..sure babe.
  20. Outlaw69


    I feel your pain, Its okay. I'm gonna still get trashed no matter what.