I'd probably could beat him.
As long there wasn't any answers relating to History, Geography, Science, Medicine, Mathmatics, Literature, Politics, Religion, Animal Kingdom, Greek Mythology or the Arts, I'd kick his ass.
Yeah, bring him on!!!
Yeah, what he said.
And, hypothetically, we could have expanded our march thru Europe and made a detour to the Middle East and kicked Iraq and Iran's ass, installed a puppet government and regulated oil prices for the past 60 years.
Hypothetically, of course.
Hello ClaireBear.
I hope you enjoy it here.
I do, even though I only come here every coupla months.
I would come here more often, but the powers that be decided that I was not admin material, even though I asked nicely.
You are aware that Germany's unconditional surrender was on May 7, 1945, 3 full months before Hiroshima was A-bombed on August 6.
Even if the war with Japan would have taken more resources, Europe was already a done deal.
The war had gone on long enough, and too many had already died, why...
Yeah, I liked xibase's karma dealeo.
But, it kept changing, and then it was there and then it wasn't and a person couldn't tell what hell was going on.
I forgot what my point was.
A recent Harvard study shows that file sharing does not hurt cd sales.
Also, the CD sale boom of the late 80's and 90's was also due to Baby Boomers buying cd's to replace vinyl recordings.
Finding a functional needle to play vinyl records, is almost like searching for WMD's.
1. Name: Bob
2. Backwards: boB
3. Date: February 10th 2004
4. Birthdate: August 1961
5. So, exactly how old are you?: Near death
6. If you could change your name, what would you change it too?: Something shorter
7. What's your religon?: agnostic
8. Any odd beliefs?: No, not...
Been away awhile but...
If I were a cat person I might feel sorry for it, but I'm not.
Friggin cats!
Habanero's are the hottest thing around, well as peppers go, and handling or consuming them should be done with caution.
If any of you wimmins feels like stuffin some...
Ooh, a birthday thread.
For me?
And I missed it.
I was so enthralled by getting a BD BJ, that I didn't get around to checking all the sites I visit.
Thanks anyway you guys
No I'm not married, but, as some say, living in sin.(Although the sinning part is becoming too infrequent)
I think if I'm ever going to find out the owner of the thong, I'm going to have set out and search the land.
I must travel from hamlet to hamlet, and have fair maidens across the...
It has long been rumored that dryers eat up socks and that's why there is always one missing. Our dryer has turned those missing socks, into a thong.
That is the only explaination we have come up with, because a thong has appeared from which no one has seen before.
The thong wearers in the...
Of prostate cancer that is.
I'm just glad that all these years of chokin my chicken has lessened the risk of prostate cancer in my later years.
I just knew that someting good was going to cum from it.
But I thought that it was going to become an Olympic sport, but the medical benefits...