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  1. JJR512

    New Penny Has Four Different Designs Images from the U.S. Mint's website: Birth and Early Childhood in Kentucky Reverse Line Art Formative Years in Indiana Reverse Line Art Professional Life in Illinois Reverse Line Art Presidency in...
  2. JJR512

    What is this vehicle?

    Yeah, ask Mom or Aunt Teri about it sometime. I think Mom sometimes got a ride to school in it.
  3. JJR512

    What is this vehicle?

    Thanks for the info! Three-wheeled vehicles are of course nothing new. My aunt owned one in Connecticut. It was a Messerschmitt; that company took to producing these three-wheelers after WWII when they were disallowed from producing aircraft. I'm not sure if my aunt had the KR175 or KR200...
  4. JJR512

    What is this vehicle?

    I saw this vehicle on a trailer behind an H2 outside a Pizza Hut today. Since I was going to the business next door, I had a chance to get a bunch of pictures. Anyone know what it is? There are a dozen other photos here:
  5. JJR512

    Updated pics?

    Well, it's not exactly an update, since I've never had one here before. But I just added this one, I've been using it online lately; my sister Ash took it on a family trip to Connecticut and New York several weeks ago:
  6. JJR512

    Whatcha usin' fer bait?

    What do I use for bait? Oh, just flash a little cash, show a little weed, and the kids practically jump into the back of my van. :D
  7. JJR512

    The problem with biometrics

    Suppose biometrics security, like using a fingerprint instead of a password to confirm identity, becomes commonplace. Fingerprint scanners are in all computers, ATMs, points of purchase, etc. You have no passwords, just your finger. Then you're involved in some horrible accident and your finger...
  8. JJR512

    Family tree etiquette

    A similar issue for me is that my father isn't my father. Although I think of him as such, and rarely explain otherwise to anyone, he is technically my stepfather; however, he has legally adopted me, which is how I legally have the same last name as he and my mother (who of course has the last...
  9. JJR512

    Family tree etiquette

    Having just re-read my previous post after posting it, of course, if I ever say "of course" that frequently ever again, of course I expect someone to slap me around a bit, of course with a large flounder.
  10. JJR512

    Family tree etiquette

    Actually I am just as much interested in making the tree wider as I am in making it taller. I am just as much interested in identifying my more distant relations as my ancestors. After all, the people further out but within a few levels of me (the people that make the tree wide) are mostly still...
  11. JJR512

    Family tree etiquette

    Oh, and on a related note, if anyone can offer any tips on looking up birth, marriage, divorce, and death records online, please let me know.
  12. JJR512

    Family tree etiquette

    If I make a family tree, should it include cousins' stepchildren? In other words, a cousin married someone who had children from a previous marriage; should those children be included? They are not blood relatives. I think that maybe a family tree is supposed to be blood relatives, their...
  13. JJR512

    If you here a loud sucking noise...

    It might not be pretty, but I do know of an airport for sale, if anyone's interested. It's in Montgomery County, Maryland, one of the wealthiest counties (in the top 10, possibly even top 5) in the country, so it's probably a good investment.
  14. JJR512

    If you here a loud sucking noise...

    Careful there... You're getting dangerously close to wondering how things could possibly get any worse, and you know what happens when you wonder that: You find out.
  15. JJR512

    Those whacky Brits

    I decided to look it up, and you are indeed correct. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (commonly known as United Kingdom, UK, or Britain) is the name of a country or union (my source referred to the UK alternately as both, with "country" being the most common term) that...
  16. JJR512

    It's Palin ...

    Just please understand that my comment was in reference solely to what was quoted in the post I referenced, and furthermore only to the apparent "surface" meanings therein, and not in any way about whatever hidden agendas the people who said or wrote those things may have had or what else they...
  17. JJR512

    It's Palin ...

    The things that jimpeel quoted from up in Post #177 seem pretty reasonable on the surface, not just for Alaska but for any state. My biggest complaint would be the apparent lack of church and state separation in the second part.
  18. JJR512

    Those whacky Brits

    OK, so the UK and Great Britain should never be referred to as "countries", correct? And, obviously, the UK is the larger of the two entities, as it encompasses both isles, whereas Great Britain is just the name of one of them. Hmm... What is the actual name of the other one? Ireland? The...
  19. JJR512

    The Family Way

    The media attention and comments on this site regarding Alaska Governor Palin's teenaged daughter Bristol's pregnancy have made me curious. Bristol Palin is 17 years old. Wasn't it once common for girls of 16, 15, maybe even younger to get married and start their families under the age of 18...
  20. JJR512

    Those whacky Brits

    I'm just a dumb, fat, ignorant, lazy American, so of course there are a few things about the rest of the world that I don't know or understand. Which of the following is technically a country: A. Great Britain B. United Kingdom C. England What are the other two called? Are A and B...