Search results

  1. JJR512

    Vacuum cleaners and steam cleaners

    Buying would be a better choice for me. Home-owned steam cleaners sell pretty well, and I've seen a lot of good reviews on various makes and models, so I don't believe they won't work. Especially on a fresh spill, they should work just fine. And that's what I want it for: Fresh spills (as I said...
  2. JJR512

    Seagal vs. Norris

    Can a moderator/admin add a poll to this thread? Two options: Norris, Seagal
  3. JJR512

    Scott Weiland Playing With STP This Summer

    Well, I'd answer that, but I prefer to be the biggest ass in my vicinity.
  4. JJR512

    Vacuum cleaners and steam cleaners

    Never heard of it. Where can I find out more (or should I ask a leprechaun :D)?
  5. JJR512

    Seagal vs. Norris

    Steven Seagal vs. Chuck Norris. Winner? :D
  6. JJR512

    Vacuum cleaners and steam cleaners

    I've used the Rug Dr., and was not overly impressed. It sucked up dirty water for a while, and eventually, the water got clearer, but when we were done with one area, that area we had cleaned didn't really look any different from a neighboring uncleaned area. It was also useless against old...
  7. JJR512

    Scott Weiland Playing With STP This Summer

    Sure, if there's one decently close enough. Is this the start of the First Annual OTC STP Concert Gathering?
  8. JJR512

    Vacuum cleaners and steam cleaners

    Unfortunately, one has to buy a subscription to see the charts.
  9. JJR512

    Vacuum cleaners and steam cleaners

    I'm soon going to need to buy both a vacuum cleaner and a carpet steam cleaner. I'm looking for some suggestions on brands/models to look into, or to avoid. Cleaning ability is definitely a higher priority than price.
  10. JJR512


    The new movie will take place between ST:Enterprise and TOS. It will feature Kirk, Spock, et. al, and Capt. Pike. You may recall Pike from two TOS episodes, including the pilot; he was the captain of the Enterprise immediately prior to Kirk. ...That was all based on what I knew from having...
  11. JJR512

    Scott Weiland Playing With STP This Summer

    More at
  12. JJR512

    Heath Ledger Found Dead in NYC

    Since Brokeback Mountain in 2005: Casanova (2005), Candy (2006), I'm Not There (2007), The Dark Knight (new Batman movie in post-production, due in 2008), and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus (a new Terry Gilliam [Monty Python show and movies, Time Bandits, Spies Like Us, Twelve Monkyes...
  13. JJR512

    Heath Ledger Found Dead in NYC

    Yeah, it seems I could not have been more wrong about how great his life was.
  14. JJR512

    Heath Ledger Found Dead in NYC

    1. There are two straight scenes in the movie that some people may find entertaining ;). (One includes Michelle Williams, from Dawson's Creek TV show, with Heath Ledger; the two later married, and she is his "baby momma". The other includes Anne Hathaway, from the movies The Princess Diaries...
  15. JJR512

    Heath Ledger Found Dead in NYC (Cross-forum post at Thread Wonders and some other website.)
  16. JJR512

    The 80th Academy Awards Thread

    The floor is open for thoughts, opinions, and predictions...
  17. JJR512

    The 80th Academy Awards Thread

  18. JJR512

    How many drive wheels?

    Well I guess I'd lose a thousand dollars...Thanks for the heads-up! :) I guess we want to look up from below?
  19. JJR512

    How many drive wheels?

    I'm sure that in his world, since it has only one drive wheel, it also has only one drive axle. ;) (Maybe I should bet him a thousand dollars that if we looked under the hood of this woman's Toyota Corolla, which was the car that was stuck on the ice, we would find two drive axles!)
  20. JJR512

    So You Were Zoned Out at Work...