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  1. Djcake

    Happy Birthday DJCake!

    thanx all cheers have a beer on me :toast:
  2. Djcake

    The lurker post

    quick update time well we are coming on 34 weeks now during the pregnancy my girl friend developed gestational diabetes but the baby seems to be growing at a normal rate (around 6lbs now) she will be induce on Dec. 18th and this weekend (Nov. 25th) we will be going for a 3D ultrasound
  3. Djcake


    me + 6hs of beer and tequila = damm hicups... some one kill me *handonhip
  4. Djcake

    The lurker post

    yes from the ultrasound so far we are thinking of naming her Kassandra
  5. Djcake

    The lurker post

    baby update: ITS A GIRL :beardbng: :beardbng: :beardbng: :toast: :toast:
  6. Djcake

    Almost time for bed

    my last night
  7. Djcake

    Almost time for bed

    I am on my way home in a few hrs. the weather has been great and only had rain twice and both times were at night :beardbng:
  8. Djcake

    Almost time for bed

    damm I think this is the earliest I have been to bed in over 20 years. I have to get up at 3am to get to the airport to some fun in the sun in Puerto Vallarta see you all in a week :beardbng:
  9. Djcake

    mexico city

    wow... is anyone else going to Mexico? I'll be there on Sunday (Puerto Vallarata) for 1 week
  10. Djcake

    Summer is here

    11:26 pm 30c feels like 43c we hit 47-48 today :thumbdn:
  11. Djcake

    youtube thread

    its not from yourtube but... not work or kid safe? :grinyes:
  12. Djcake


    closing the drapes and all that dosent make much of a difference here for the few days i didnt have an a/c i had the place nice and dark and it still got to hot in here, it was so hot my fish tank temperature is off the scale (it dosen't read higher the 86) and before that with the heater...
  13. Djcake


    mine were open but it was till to hot because i get all the afternoon sun (I face west) so I went out and bought a new A/C
  14. Djcake


    its finally cooling down in Toronto its 89 tonight no humidex yesterday it was around 93 and 105 with the humidex. lets hope at stays warm for the weekend its camping time :beardbng:
  15. Djcake

    The lurker post

    thanx :D ya i guess I am a little InSaNe :retard2:
  16. Djcake

    The lurker post

    well so I guess I have been lurking long enough so it is time to post... I haven't been up to much.. still working like always so there isn't much new there... BUT there is something now to some ppl here... my GF and I are expecting a child in Jan.:eek5: (Jan 3rd is her due date) it will...
  17. Djcake

    Each day...

    Pay Taxes
  18. Djcake

    blair's death rain

    and where might I find these blairs death rain chips?
  19. Djcake

    laundry is done

    did mine today aswell 2 loads only took 1.5 hrs :D
  20. Djcake


    3 kids 2 boys 9-12 1 girl 7 (8 in Aug) we planned all of them just not so close now working on #4 (well my 4th gf's 1st) my 3rd wasn't the hellspawn that is #2