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  1. Aunty Em

    Why are we so literal?

    I tnk ill strt txtng jst 2 giv u guys sumthng 2 do. Uv got 2 much time on ur hnds. :D
  2. Aunty Em

    Crash & burn

    I let most of my domains expire. I just have 1 .com on Godaddy now 'cos it's cheaper than going through a UK company.
  3. Aunty Em

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    Good idea. :p :lol:
  4. Aunty Em


    Cos I only scored 13 points instead of 15 on their scale of incapacity, but most of the reasons they gave were incorrect. I can't do much of what they said I could, e.g. apparently I can kneel down, but I haven't been able to do that since 1984 when my leg was crushed. Plus they completely...
  5. Aunty Em


    Well, after all this time I've finally imploded. 10 days ago I got a letter from the DWP telling me they are stopping my incapacity benefit...the final straw... I had a serious anxiety attack and completely flipped out so my doctor wouldn't let me leave the surgery until the Psychiatic...
  6. Aunty Em

    The appointment is made. April 19th.

    Nice tat. :)
  7. Aunty Em

    Crash & burn

    Did I miss something? :lloyd:
  8. Aunty Em

    6 years is a long time...

    'appy beorfday OTC. :)
  9. Aunty Em

    The Bible...explained

    So they can go to midnight service? :shrug:
  10. Aunty Em

    The Bible...explained

    I put pass and I wasn't fined. :p
  11. Aunty Em

    The Bible...explained

    Yeah, but you don't see people queueing to get into church do you? After all, this is a country where most people claimed to be "christian" on the last census. How many do you think actually understand what a christian really is?
  12. Aunty Em

    +R or -R

    I always use -R... never had a problem with them.
  13. Aunty Em

    The Bible...explained

    Haven't you heard... science in the new God... actually around here it's shopping on Sundays... mamon is the new God.
  14. Aunty Em

    WooHoo! First IT Job!

  15. Aunty Em

    WooHoo! First IT Job!

    But the experience and the opportunity to learn AD and server/network support are priceless. ;)
  16. Aunty Em

    WooHoo! First IT Job!

    Yes, I got my first IT job today as Volunteer IT Assistant to the Systems Administrator at our local St Helena Hospice (that's the total IT department, lol). I have to wait 4 weeks until they get my CRB (Crimial Records Bureau) check back before I can start as I will be working around vulnerable...
  17. Aunty Em

    Can I make another selfish request?

    The only photo I have of me weighing a hefty 396lbs! I wasn't too keen on photos. Me at 306lbs having lost 90lbs so far... Not bad considering I suffer from Binge eating disorder (basically bulimia without the purging) and it's been really hard just lately fighting it, but I'm...
  18. Aunty Em

    Zombie apocolypse...

    Congratulations, your dead body is worth $5525! Uh oh!
  19. Aunty Em

    Zombie apocolypse...

    Uh oh! Not good... :(
  20. Aunty Em

    Geek quiz

    ooh! :eek: