Search results

  1. Arris

    What are you listening to right now?

    Nightvision - Daft Punk
  2. Arris

    Ewwwww... OTC mings....

    Pocket PCs ming!
  3. Arris

    Lets play word association

  4. Arris

    Lets play word association

    Chest (mmmmmm :licklips: )
  5. Arris

    Happy Birthday Helsatan!

    Ok first I put "hubbabubba" instead of "HubbaHubba" and now you call "Hellsatan" "Helsatan". doing well aren't we :D Happy Birthday mate.... have a great 18th and don't do anything we wouldn't do (so that leaves out self mutilation and 2 or 3 other things ;) ) :hbd:
  6. Arris

    Birthday bash!!!

    I'd be raising a glass anyway, but I guess I can dedicate one of them to you guys :D
  7. Arris

    Lets play word association

    'tis so!
  8. Arris

    SAMMY is 100

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY... May you avoid colostomy bags for another few years yet! :D
  9. Arris

    Are you a POWAR user?

    Minimalist with programs menu organised nicely and shortcuts on the taskbar.
  10. Arris

    Happy Birthday HubbaBubba!

    LOL My brain just made me type HubbaBubba for some strange reason. I never even noticed :D
  11. Arris

    I know this is how I guard my porn!

    You and your sister are no much alike then :D
  12. Arris

    Lets play word association

    Wild west
  13. Arris

    Lets play word association

  14. Arris

    Anyone tried the Sony Online Entertainment game "PlanetSide"?

    Well have you? :confused:
  15. Arris

    just an immature pain

    That doesn't surprise me one little bit trolley :D
  16. Arris

    just an immature pain

    My finger got tired. :retard3:
  17. Arris

    just an immature pain

    lick. lick. lick. lick. lick. lick. lick. lick. lick. lick. lick. lick. lick.lick.lick.lick.lick.lick.lick.lick.lick.lick. lick. lick. lick. lick. Nibble. lick.
  18. Arris

    just an immature pain

    Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.Click.Click.Click.Click.Click.Click.Click.Click.Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Klunk. Click.
  19. Arris

    Where are you when you're not here...

    Sodding Milan :crying4: Squash court, bars/pubs, friend's houses, solicitor (almost finished buying an apartment now..)
  20. Arris

    in bed i wear....

    You could just get a friendly Arris to hold them in place instead. That would prevent sagging too :brow: I sleep in pj type shorts. I prefer a softer material next to my groin than some of the sheets of beds that I have to sleep in.. :D