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  1. Arris

    The 10,000 Post Thread!

    Oops, thanks for the correction Sharky. American "run with the ball in hand" "football"... pah :D
  2. Arris

    The 10,000 Post Thread!

    American football... pah... :D
  3. Arris

    odesa615 has arrived!

    I see the male:female ratio becoming more balanced more and more as we seem to be attracting more and more female members.... I think pimping Squiggy has been good for the site :lol2: Welcome Rachel :winkkiss:
  4. Arris

    Lets play word association

  5. Arris

    What's your IQ?

    *posts pictures of KA in uncomprimising situations with a selection of Zoo animals*
  6. Arris

    The 10,000 Post Thread!

    You haven't seen that before???? Have you had your head in the sand or something????? (or somewhere else :rofl: )
  7. Arris

    Welcome Kings Of Chaos link spammer.... I mean zi0x

    Welcome, try not to be overly enthusiastic with your link ;) Enjoy the forum...
  8. Arris

    Funcritter - here, now!

    I thought it might be since its in a forum. I could be mistaken. I suppose it could be a ferret? Welcome to todays most blatently hijacket ferret :rofl:
  9. Arris

    The 10,000 Post Thread!

    The bronze monkey looking thing looks very slightly familiar, but.. I don't know... I don't think I watched it :confused:
  10. Arris

    How kinky/depraved are you? (POLL)

    So thats "I'm boring", "Golden showers" and "Heavy bondage" for you! :evilcool:
  11. Arris

    How kinky/depraved are you? (POLL)

    I guess he might, depending on what the 3 are that Ali ticked that he didn't...
  12. Arris

    Funcritter - here, now!

    PS: Welcome to today's most blatently hijacked thread :rofl:
  13. Arris

    Funcritter - here, now!

    Celebrity relationships obviously don't always involve boobies, unless an boobie-access contract is signed before the relationship commences... :retard3:
  14. Arris

    Funcritter - here, now!

    Gah.... stole my line Tonks... Thats it load the negative karma into the karma kannon! ;)
  15. Arris

    Funcritter - here, now!

    Poor Richard Gere never had a whole boobie? :eek: Not even one.... My god. No wonder he went grey early.
  16. Arris

    Funcritter - here, now!

    I'd imagine a KY lubbed ferret would be worse. Trying to keep hold of them isn't a task to undertake without proper ferret handling experience.
  17. Arris

    Funcritter - here, now!

    That need didn't need any development. Just not as under control as normal. I didn't know ferrets were wet....... :lol2:
  18. Arris

    Funcritter - here, now!

    What you laughing at... Your next for my trousers!!!!!!!!!!! :winkkiss:
  19. Arris

    The 10,000 Post Thread!

    Doesn't click with me.... :confbang: