Search results

  1. G

    Sup OTC. Can I get some updates?

    Hijacking doesn't exist at OTC. To me, at least. :D I wanted everyone's updates, so it's your thread! Glad to hear your new home is good for you guys! I hope you find a job you love soon. It would be great if you could get a job in Jersey and not have to commute to the city at all. I'm...
  2. G

    Still incomplete

    When all you have going for you is theatrics and a couple of well known songs, I don't think that qualifies as a great rock band though. Anyone can put on makeup and put pytrotechnics in their shows. It's more gimmick than legend for me. Eiw and Gene Simmons is gross, always has been. I...
  3. G

    Guess the Movie

    I got nothin. We watch a lot of HBO too. Unless it's Transformers, which I don't think it is, and Shia LeBouf is hardly a hot actions star.
  4. G

    Sovereignty for Hawaii?

    Then your prayers have been answered!! :banana: So what did you see that you liked? We just bought a couch from Macys and we're pretty happy with it. Ditto for JCPenney. Sears sucks donkey balls though.
  5. G


    :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: :rofl2: THANK YOU! I had forgotten that trying to find sense in the RW was futile. I needed the reminder, apparently.
  6. G

    Still incomplete

    I agree with Madonna at least - I too don't know Leonard Cohen. There should be a Pop hall of fame. Although then, no one would care who was inducted. And sorry to disagree but I think KISS is highly overrated. I can't stand them.
  7. G


    Wow. This takes me back. Now there are only 29 google search results for Yeeshbah. It must be endangered. Quick! We must protect the Yeeshbah! :banana:
  8. G


    I love the sweeping generalizations going on. I'm an asshole, bleeding heart liberal, ashamed of calling myself one... You know me so well. Gonz has called me a liberal for years but I've never seriously called myself that because many of my beliefs don't fit into the "liberal mindset". No...
  9. G

    Sup OTC. Can I get some updates?

    Oh wow, I remember you telling me about him! That's great, congatulations! I, for one, can't believe that you live in NJ either. Has it gone so far that you now drive some kind of SUV and go food shopping instead of ordering indulgences from Fresh Direct? :o Say it ain't so!
  10. G


    Don't you guys ever get tired of calling people names or labeling them liberals as if it was a disease? I suppose it's much easier to write people off as assholes or liberals than actually consider that their opinion has value. :thumbup: While you've disagreed with me on many things over...
  11. G

    Speaking of backlashes...

    Don't assume just yet. Since we moved into the house, I've become quite the Suzy homemaker. I have 5 'free' hours after leaving work and getting home to do with what I will. Rusty has 2. It's only right that, as a team, I am doing everything I can for him. A typical weeknight for me is...
  12. G

    Sup OTC. Can I get some updates?

    Thanks Boo! Are we allowed to know his name? Anything else about him, how you met, all that jazz? If not, I'll just say congrats. :)
  13. G


    I'm capable of making that decision for myself, thanks. I was directing that at Gonz because he has confessed to expressing an alternate opinion merely to push buttons in the past. I also know he considers me a dirty dirty liberal so my opinions will not be received or considered. :P I just...
  14. G

    Housing slump hits

    Exactly. We lived apart in crummy apartments (even the crummy one, I was paying $600 a month) for the first two years, then together in a better apartment but not the best for five years. Although $1500. sounds like a lot, we were able to pay off debit, save money, and have a little fun in the...
  15. G

    Housing slump hits

    A big ditto there. I also drank a lot of free coffee in those early days to fill me up in between noodles. :laugh: It's like your first car being a shitbox. You will have a war story to tell and appreciate that you've moved up to bigger and better things.
  16. G


    If that's really how you feel and you're not just playing devil's advocate, then all I have left to say to you is :disgust2: :shrug:
  17. G

    Housing slump hits

    People can criticize NY all they want but my husband and I each make well over these salary figures. Any computer professional on Long Island or in NYC should make the same if they're good. While our rent for the 1st floor of a house by the beach was $1500., it was on par with the area. Our...
  18. G

    Sup OTC. Can I get some updates?

    Whoa. Hey Boo!! :wave: I shared pictures, now it's your turn!!
  19. G


    In your mind, does this survival of the fittest include humans? Since we could eradicate all species on earth if we wanted to, does that mean we are the fittest and entitled? Is that your personal "go" card to build up and on anything we want to? Do you think that man-made pollution and...
  20. G

    carpet, or tile?

    I've only ever known one person who had a carpeted bathroom. I thought it was great then, but I wouldn't do it now. Yes, because of sanitary reasons and also mold. It would always be on my mind and I have a very sensitive sense of smell. I can smell that kind of damp from a mile away. We...