Tell me what's wrong with protecting and trying to help those who cannot help themselves? Are you one of those every man for himself kind of people who give a shit about no one or nothing else? I'm seriously asking, I don't know you very well.
Native species are protected - and native...
How about we swap with no one and go about our business? That'd be good.
I should not talk about this, 9/11 or WTC. The last time I did that, I left for a couple of years.
When does it become some OTHER city's turn? For fucks sake, hasn't NYC been through enough? :mad4:
Who the fuck is "WE"! It doesn't seem as opportunistic since they did it at a time where there were very little people around.
If he was truly just trying to scare it away, how many shots does it take before an intelligent person gives up? Maybe the one that whizzed by the bird's head and it didn't move? I call bullshit.
And he makes a request to respect his privacy. HAH!
While I admit the...
And Valley? :)
A few suggestions - When clicking on the links on the left, they re-sort themselves and the section you're in dissapears. I think you should leave every section regardless of which one you're in.
I think you should make it less personal and more business like in style and how...
Yup, HO insurance has to be paid in full for a 1 year policy before closing. And if your bank makes you escrow payments, you will also have to pay a monthly payment for the homeowner's insurance and your taxes. So in essence you're paying a year ahead of time.
Then there are closing costs. I...
I know I didn't even recognize you when I returned.
Are you sure you're Altron? Xupiter spreading Snowblower Boy? Or are you his non-evil clone? :confbang:
You sound like you know what you need. And what you need to get it. Consider though, if this is a step up from an apartment that even though it may not be exactly what you want, you will still be a property owner. (If it's a condo and not a coop that is)
That outweighs some of the...
Hmm. I was mainly asking because I was wondering if that money, plus utilities, would equal to a small condo payment. With allowing for some time in between to save up a downpayment, of course. But it probably doesn't even come close, does it? :(
One reason why I don't play the corporate 'game' well. I have trouble hiding my emotions when I'm angry. As my boss says, I wear my heart on my sleeve. Which is why I prefer real people who are just themselves I guess. But it doesn't make for good tactics in getting ahead at all costs...
I have a friend looking for houses in Cali, specifically in LA where she works but she is having a really hard time. I never knew that California was worse than NY in pricing.
Are there any assistance programs by you? We went to one here and although we qualified for a mortgage that was not...