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  1. G


    For some reason, I've been liking orange flowers lately too although I'm not sure I want it that color. I'm thinking blue or purple maybe. Definitely not pink, I'm not a fan of pink. I originally thought a 3 inch wide tattoo would do it but my friend reminded me that the more detail I want -...
  2. G

    Housing slump hits

    FTR, Pampered Chef sucks and W&S doesn't sell groceries. :laugh: I post on a local message board and one day, a woman posts a thread in a panic. She was furious at her husband for filling up the tank in their SUV. Why? Because it cost so much money, she then had to take cash advances from...
  3. G


    Now that is a tat with meaning. Good job! Most people I know get things that mean nothing and they just think it will make them look cool. My friend at work has a few on her and I'm thinking about going to her guy for my first. Of course, it must be a flower. But what I was thinking was...
  4. G


    Good luck, be safe, and if you think you're going too fast, sit down. :laugh: But seriously, don't feel bad if you hate it. I've given skiing a try three times and still dislike it. I'd rather sit in the lodge in front of the fire with a hot beverage.
  5. G

    Step Grandma for the 2nd time!

    Congratulations! I love her name too, very pretty!
  6. G

    No country for old men

    Must be a chick flick. ;)
  7. G

    Bad reporting, worse editing...

    Jesus Christ Almighty. You're going to be shitting your liver out any day now. :o ;) Dad used to get week-long raging headaches they called cluster headaches. The never found a tumor or anything. The simplest thing wound up being the most effective cure. Switching from decaf to regular...
  8. G

    Forced Volenteering!

    :laugh::laugh::laugh: Nice to see a serious thread take a silly turn for once. Hugs rock. Especially when guys get them from girls, no? When else is a woman other than your significant other going to mash their breasts against you? If I ever meet any of you, I'll grace you with a breast...
  9. G

    N E buddy werk with Photopolymers?

    Luis gives me more credit than is due. I had to google it to figure out what it was, or why Luis would think I might know about it. :laugh: Sorry man, no idea about them. Although from my search, it does have a valid application in photography, I haven't worked with them. I have worked in...
  10. G

    For the NJ people

    From this Sunday's PostSecret Awww.
  11. G

    A Fate Worse than Death

    I wish she'd come back and tell us herself. :swing: I've since perfected my chocolate chip cookie recipe. I found out that the butter was the culprit all along. Note to self... Stop microwaving butter and adding it HOT to the mixture. Now I take it out a half hour beforehand, nuke it for...
  12. G

    Interestig peice of history - 1943 Guide to Hiring Women

    I work with seven women in close quarters and I'm sad to say that some of this is actually TRUE! :p
  13. G

    i rock at losing weight!

    Typically, when I start getting serious on a new diet - eating right and exercising - I'll drop 10 pounds fairly quickly. But then it's knuckle down time to get any more off, and the weight loss slows down. Some people have a fast metabolism. I don't. The older you get, the harder it is to...
  14. G


    Good, I'm glad this isn't such a bad situation then. I know I feel better. ;) AB linked you to ING - it's just an internet based bank with good rates on savings. We had an account with them for years while we saved up for the wedding and the house, to get some extra dough from the interest...
  15. G

    You've got to be kidding...

    All evidence is in *cough* protected areas. Or people's PM inboxes. :D
  16. G

    Forced Volenteering!

    I don't see the purpose in pointing out grammatical or spelling errors other than to feel superior or insult someone. However, this was in the context of the subject in the first place. Granted, I don't know the history of this poster, but I took it as a joke. And even chuckled.
  17. G


    In addition to what Gonz said, ask them about your vacation & sick time too. When Rusty did 1099 work, he got paid more than normal but we didn't realize the tax implications either. It was only after we got screwed at tax time that we were told a lot of people who do this type of work put...
  18. G

    You've got to be kidding...

    Maybe... Do you live in NY? ;) When we drove around this neighborhood the first time, it seemed so... friendly. I didn't make the connection till later that it was the lack of fences. It really makes the houses seem more approachable. I found out that my corner is a school bus stop. I'm...
  19. G

    You've got to be kidding...

    Hah! :laugh: You sure about that? Maybe in a different context. :brow:
  20. G

    You've got to be kidding...

    Like this? :D But, should I or my neighbor put a fence there... Well. That would be a problem. I have to admit, I do like that no one in my town is allowed to have a fence around their front yard.