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  1. G

    Sup OTC. Can I get some updates?

    Actually, laughing gas is what makes me naseous! Not to mention, it does shit for me pain management wise. After the first time of no ill effects of general, I've chosen it each time afterwards since all my wisdom extractions have been one at a time. Eh, everyone's different. I know a lot...
  2. G


    Happy Birthday Ku'u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hbd: :spam3: :hbd: :spam3: :hbd: :spam3: :hbd: :spam3:
  3. G

    Dumbing down in Britain

    I prefer Advil and pints of Cherry Garcia, myself.
  4. G

    An interesting thought

    We had a dog named Gizmo too! He was a Yorkshire Terrier. I called him the Gizmeister. ;) We love nicknames too.
  5. G

    What's yer speed?

    Wow. I didn't realize your know-it-all power extended to my workplace. That's pretty impressive. :banana: :lol2:
  6. G

    What ya think about Walken?

    I'd love to hear an acceptance speech by him. :lol: Plus, he's a good dancer.
  7. G

    Sup OTC. Can I get some updates?

    Why didn't you guys get knocked out for that many extractions? Geez, I had a wisdom tooth taken out 6 months ago and I opted for general anesthesia. It's freakin great. PT, I'm surprised you didn't get dry socket. That happened to my mother (who also has a full set of dentures) and she bled...
  8. G

    I need to stop

    Glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets choked up by that commercial. I thought I was PMS'ing. That dog is SO cute. And so humanized - the way it gets up and then sits down immediately. Opens it's mouth like it's smiling for them. Then turns it's head to see where they go. Ah shit...
  9. G

    I need to stop

    Looking at all the Labs for adoption from a local rescue. We need to put up a proper fence before we can adopt, and dog-proof the house. But these sweet faces are killing me. "Buddy" 3.5 Yr Yellow Male - DOB 01-15-04 Buddy spent childhood living with family in NYC … up until they...
  10. G

    Parents and dog lovers can appreciate this...

    Got this from best of CraigsList
  11. G

    dumbing down the planet.

    I don't follow orders very well.
  12. G

    Clean as a whistle

    I'd want it. Although I would like to keep my head of hair and eyebrows, the rest could be gone. I could probably put up with a lot of pain for it too, if it was guaranteed and not something that was going to send me to an early grave. I'd pay a couple of thousand for it. About as much as...
  13. G

    *looks around*

    *no one looking* *does naked cartwheels*
  14. G

    Can I make another selfish request?

    15 minutes per hour is all I ask. ;)
  15. G

    Sup OTC. Can I get some updates?

    Holy mega update. That's the way to do it!! Nice to see you PT. :hug: One question... If you're missing most of your teeth on the top, what are you eating? I suppose chewing is out of the question! I hope the dentures go well. My Mom's had them since she was in her early 30's so don't...
  16. G

    dumbing down the planet.

    I have this argument with my boss all the time. He's always dumbing things down instead of forcing people to use their heads. I think the reasoning behind this stinks.
  17. G

    Sup OTC. Can I get some updates?

    Huge! Wow, you're someone I haven't seen in a while either! How are you doing? What's new buckaroo?
  18. G


    GD CITY folk. Wait, are you insinuating that I'm a city folk and I'm objecting? :erm: You didn't really answer though. Do you hunt and do you eat what you hunt?
  19. G

    What's yer speed?

    I never said I made big bucks! Besides, how much speed do you need for 10 people? I can stream Shoutcast without anyone noticing, that's all I need. ;)
  20. G


    Ok next question... Those of you who think it's digusting to pit animal against animal for sport. What about hunting for sport? Is hunting only ok when you intend on ingesting your kill? Thanks for indulging me. :)