The damned Blue Man Group - they're so annoying... the P4 commercials were so unbearable... every 30 seconds.
Oh yes... also Jeep Grand Cherokees and Ford Explorers. All other SUVs are ok in my book.
I miss the old days where you actually have all the pics in an album to flip through. Having to print them out is too tedious (I have a photo printer). is a nice service though. Anyway, I just got a 2nd digicam - Canon A40 for $200 + tax. Quite a deal.
I can't believe you would consider not completing the payment. You would want to be screwed like that if you were him ?
EDIT>>> Just read your last post. OK, my answer is OF COURSE.
This place is sweet. I didn't think y'all were MetallicA head-bangers ?!
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