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  1. Bink

    My all-nighter thread. Please feel free to contribute...

    Shit! It's an invasion!!! :eek:
  2. Bink

    Shaving? :)

    Screw you hippy :P
  3. Bink

    More jokes!

    Yeah, for a moment there, OT Central went dead on me. Had to wait a few minutes and try again... :eek: It was a tragic moment for me, as you could imagine :P
  4. Bink

    More jokes!

  5. Bink

    More jokes!

  6. Bink

    More jokes!

    Sick hardtellin, sick :eek: :D
  7. Bink

    This is funny!! :D

    11/16 :o
  8. Bink

    The famous Intel vs. AMD tread !

    My first and last Intel chip was the 4x86 DX 2-66 Overdrive :D (I had a 3x86 too, but never looked to see who made it).
  9. Bink

    Shaving? :)

    I've been shaving since 13 (when I had a bum-fluff mustache). I need to shave every day, but usually end up shaving every third day because I'm lazy about it. Yeah the Mach 3's aren't bad. Had one for a while, but I'm a sucker for the flexible blades Schick have. The Schick Xtreme III...
  10. Bink

    More jokes!

  11. Bink


    9/15, but I did just get up ;) Besides, it's been downhill since I finished studying. Word spellchecker is my brain now :D
  12. Bink

    Just a small overclock...

  13. Bink

    Summary of Palestinian situation

    Thanks for posting that outside looking in, that cleared up virtually every question I'd had about the whole conflict there as well as putting the history of it into perspective.
  14. Bink

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    Global warming is a hoax, asbestos isn't a carcinogenic and gamma rays do wonders for your tan. :rolleyes: Ergh, the way I see it, there's no point in taking the risk. Why tempt it? If we can be more efficient (and we can be) then we should be. I can't stand it when people try to justify...
  15. Bink

    Is olman really ol\´man, or outlaw?

    Thank you... come again! :D
  16. Bink

    How the hell?

    I saw something like that months ago on some US show called "captured on tape" or something. I don't even bother asking questions, that stuff's just wrong.
  17. Bink

    The famous Intel vs. AMD tread !

    I think Intel is best cos their ads are pretty so that makes them the best. What's AMD anyway? :rolleyes:
  18. Bink

    Where is occupant and ol´man!!!

    Although popular vote determined olman was in fact an some crazy git who lost his way :cool: