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  1. Bink


    Are you sure? I haven't recieved anything yet. I tested the address myself to be sure it's working and everything checked out.
  2. Bink


    Are you sure? I haven't recieved anything yet. I tested the address myself to be sure it's working and everything checked out.
  3. Bink


    OK, another update. I managed to retrieve my email from my ex-ISP anyway. Aparently they haven't fully de-activated my account yet. Fury, MuFu and 747FlightEngineer's photos will be uploaded shortly ;)
  4. Bink


    OK, another update. I managed to retrieve my email from my ex-ISP anyway. Aparently they haven't fully de-activated my account yet. Fury, MuFu and 747FlightEngineer's photos will be uploaded shortly ;)
  5. Bink


    Just an update: I changed ISP on the 7th of May, and all submissions that had been sent between then and now would have most likely ended up in the wrong place. So if you sent a pic between now and then and it hasn't been uploaded to the gallery, then chances are it has met with the great...
  6. Bink


    Just an update: I changed ISP on the 7th of May, and all submissions that had been sent between then and now would have most likely ended up in the wrong place. So if you sent a pic between now and then and it hasn't been uploaded to the gallery, then chances are it has met with the great...
  7. Bink

    I hate marmite

    Heheh, not surprising. Anyone who hasn't been brought up on the stuff usually gags at a hint of it :P Owned by Americans, loved by countless Australians :headbang:
  8. Bink

    Girl suspended over arrows-through-head teachers drawing

    I pretty much expect that kind of reaction. Teachers are scared, and they have a right to be I guess. At the rate it's going, you're safer working in prison surrounded by criminals then you are at schools surrounded by seemingly harmless children these days. The worst thing about it, is no...
  9. Bink


    I know I've posted this before, but it just seemed the most sensible thing to do right now ;)
  10. Bink

    I hate marmite

    This is the good shit
  11. Bink


    Mines there too! (but that's no real surprise) :rolleyes: I'm glad it's doing well, and thanks to those who maintain a link in their signature for it ;)
  12. Bink


    Mines there too! (but that's no real surprise) :rolleyes: I'm glad it's doing well, and thanks to those who maintain a link in their signature for it ;)
  13. Bink

    Burger King

    KFC sells chicken?? :confuse3: Damn, and all this time I thought I was eating rabbit :o Boo for running out of chicken when I thought it was rabbit but it wasn't because it was really chicken but then again, perhaps they never had any chicken in the first place, so that's why they ran...
  14. Bink

    How about a photo gallery?

    That would be a pair of sunnies on CS's head :D So where are all them submissions? I haven't recieved any new ones yet :cool: Come to think of it though, most of you are already there :headbang: :headbang:
  15. Bink

    Okay, enough already.

    Yup, sbcanada has a point, it's not that easy (but let's hope he sticks by his word and it never comes to that) ;) If the "banned" person has a dynamic IP, coming back is as easy as re-logging on. If they have a static IP, there's countless Proxy servers out there they could easily use to...
  16. Bink


    Reality is in your head. So first, find your head, determine if it's real, then you can pull out the bits you think are fake and stuff a bit more of the real stuff in... that is assuming of course, that kind of thing takes your fancy ;) Alternatively, you can cut back on the caffine and...
  17. Bink

    Do you think time travel is possible?

    Interesting stuff :cool: Does anyone have any legitimate links to studies on any of this?
  18. Bink

    Designing a website, which software?

    I use Dreamweaver. My first sites when I was just stiffin around, were done with Composer and it's a sinch to make basic sites. But for clean, advanced sites, Dreamweaver is ideal.
  19. Bink

    There are currently 3 members and 1 guests online.

    I think it's time you cut back on the caffine CoffeePotUnit :D
  20. Bink

    Okay, enough already.

    Agreed. I won't partake in name calling and such sbcanada, but I did miss a whole lot of thing here the went on while I was away. If you want resepect again, it's probably best you maintain a relatively low profile for a while and let this all blow over.