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  1. a13antichrist


    Turns out the board just pops off over the top of them.
  2. a13antichrist

    Lets have fun

    Holy shit, I thought you guys all got wiped out by bird-flu or something. I guess you didn't.. hmm.
  3. a13antichrist

    Lets have fun

    Kittens are awesome :)
  4. a13antichrist

    Lets have fun

    All o' ya quit yer whining, the restrictions are there precisely to prevent people making a joke of the whole system.. if y'all wanna play around then fine but ya ain't got no choice but put up with the limits. :p
  5. a13antichrist

    Lets have fun

    heheh shot..
  6. a13antichrist

    I'm almost positive...

    Well most of those demonstrations, etc haven't actually come anywhere near Paris itself... most people who live in the city aren't all that affected by the issues or the riots... the problems are mostly in the poorer suburbs and most of them are a fair way out of the city... More to the point...
  7. a13antichrist

    How to *not* be a f*ckwit:

    Or just a cunning one. ;)
  8. a13antichrist

    you asked for piccys ...

    Hey, the kid must be just about old enough to get thrown in jail for asking mummy what a boobie is.
  9. a13antichrist

    Porn star wannabes cry out...and then there was silence

    Just wait till we have to get signed consent forms before we can have sex.... and then watch them forget to have women require them from men too... I'm fascinated to see Wink, Gonz & Prof all agreeing on this one. It's time that peasant-pleaser fucknut ideas like this law change were shoved...
  10. a13antichrist

    Lets have fun

    I can't believe no-one's made an 'I'd hit it' reference yet.... Can you cheat & whack me to -100,000 then? :leghump:
  11. a13antichrist

    I'm almost positive...

    Awwww thanks you guys, you really do love me... :love:
  12. a13antichrist

    I'm almost positive...

    Looks like a freakin' Christmas tree now....
  13. a13antichrist

    I'm almost positive...

    You fucker...
  14. a13antichrist

    I'm almost positive...

    You arse....
  15. a13antichrist

    I'm almost positive...

    ... and that's bad. People have been far too flippant with these green dots. Someone please whack me with 2,000+ red dots before I vomit...
  16. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    That was my definition - I conceded earlier about the anus thing. And you can't "have your own definition" - rape is a legal term to describe a certain type of sexual violation. That's why "rape" does have to be penile penetration because no-one can ever get charged with rape if that doesn't...
  17. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    Next you'll be telling us you get raped if someone flashes you. Stop being ridiculous. Rape is defined by mechanics, not feelings. Yes a person can feel violated by all sorts of unwanted sex acts, that's not in any doubt. But to call it RAPE it has to involve a penis, and penetration of...
  18. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

  19. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    What's your point? Evidently they earlier thought that that was obvious - you can't have intercourse without a penis. But obviously some redneck fools tried to claim you could have sex with/rape someone with a banana so they made sure the distinction was clear. Put the straws down.
  20. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    Or so much like the English Parliament?