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  1. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    Quite the contrary. When languages borrow words, they don't do so by importing the entire and precise definition from the source language. They use a very general meaning as a basis for a new precise term - the link is visible but the word itself isn't a translation. Rapere is what Roman...
  2. a13antichrist

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    Heheh... yes, yes it would. ;) Gato, they seem fallacious to you because they're designed to eliminate precisely the redneck, overly moralistic head-up-the-arse-conservative me-too bunnies that English-speaking countries seem so proud of.
  3. a13antichrist

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    So, as said... you let other people determine for you what you think is sensible and what is ridiculous... that, my friend, is precisely my definition of retarded... when you let other people chose for you the way to think.
  4. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    Probably because I don't bow down and worhsip the act of sexual consomation like the rest of humanity does. So sue me.
  5. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    Perhaps you're too lazy to use your brain and realise that by that definition, a dog could "rape" a sheep with a peanut. The problem you have is that you've got this concept of rape that you feel the need to apply in order to somehow validate the hurt that the victim might be feeling. Well guess...
  6. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    I know it does. Like I said, we're too lazy to make the distinction anymore.
  7. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    No, I wouldn't. I would consider myself sexually violated. Rape is a very specific subset of sexual violation.
  8. a13antichrist

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    You mean you let other people determine your opinions for you? Interesting angle.. but you can keep it.
  9. a13antichrist

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    Opinions can't be full of shit. They can be total shit, or the people having them can be full of shit, but the opinion itself can't. And the great thing about opinions is that your opinion that my opinion is full of shit, is also a big pile of shit. ;)
  10. a13antichrist

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    That doesn't hurt either.
  11. a13antichrist

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    What has that got to do with anything? Anytime there's a whole lot of people together in one place, they should expect shit. It's funny because it's a church, because church-goers are retards.
  12. a13antichrist

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    For sure except that there are only three people here and we are expecting shit, whereas the church is 100 or so people and they are as naive as my horses' balls.
  13. a13antichrist

    5-year old girl raped and killed - and the guy might get away with it

    I'm sure there'll be a loophole somewhere...
  14. a13antichrist

    And you thought you liked porn....

    Big deal, some bugs & stuff are fathers after a few hours.
  15. a13antichrist

    Sometimes birds are not the most intelligent.

    That is really, really sad.... not surprised it came from a NZer.. :p Though wouldn't be surprised to hear it from a Yank either..
  16. a13antichrist

    DOG OWNERS, READ THIS! Contaminated dog food killing dogs!

    I would be more worried if contaminated dog food was killing people.
  17. a13antichrist

    Deep thoughts

    You can't rape anything that isn't a female and that doesn't have a vagina. And that isn't human. You can sexually violate anything you like (maybe not a tree) but rape refers solely to the unconsented vaginal penetration of a human female by a human male. We just use the word for other things...
  18. a13antichrist

    5-year old girl raped and killed - and the guy might get away with it

    If you kill an American in Canada, it's up to the Canadian govt to prosecute, no? If you kill an American in a country where there's no law against homocide, you can never be prosecuted for it, no? So just take him out into international waters and do whatever you feel like.
  19. a13antichrist

    What is wrong with people, take 2...

    People are in an old-folks home becxause they got too frail to look after themselves. People are in hospital because they got sick or hurt. People in church chose to go there of their own free will, so yes, it is funny.
  20. a13antichrist


    dude you're sooo shallow :)