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  1. a13antichrist

    This is, too...

    Perhaps, but remember it's your citizen who have asked for it to be outlawed. ;) Maybe you should then be complaining to them, not the government. No, the point is perfectly true. The fact that the court then overturns it just proves it even further - it's a LEGAL issue, not a rights issue...
  2. a13antichrist

    IS P2P really hurting the music industry?

    I haven't bought a CD in 4 years...
  3. a13antichrist

    Increasing my -ists

    Women will never be seen as equals in the eyes of men as long as men continue to see them as sexual prey - and as long as women use sex as leverage against men.
  4. a13antichrist

    The enemy within

    "Opposing the cause by speech or act" isn't referring to voicing a negative opinion. It's talking about saying something to someone (or doing something) that adversely affects, or was intended to adversely affect, the actual operation of the cause - i.e., leaking your country's attack plans or...
  5. a13antichrist


    Carbon dating of fossils points to an earth at least 100 million years old. How is that in line with a "young earth"?
  6. a13antichrist


    Isn't that precisely what I just said? You know what's great about science? It FITS. Things concur with each other & suggest one another. Creationism on the other hand has the enormous task of explaining away each new piece of evidence in turn - which goes against the principle of Occam's...
  7. a13antichrist

    This is, too...

    And only a retard would not understand that whether it's proven or not is totally beside the point - the crucial point is that the govt can outlaw what it chooses; if you don't like what they choose, you can always leave the country or vote against them next time.
  8. a13antichrist

    This is, too...

    The owner can permit ANY legal activity within his premises. If the government decides that a certain activity is not suitable for certain premises, it can make that activity illegal. Whether you like it or not, that's the government's right. And it has EVERYTHING to do with a safe work...
  9. a13antichrist


    You've got it the wrong way round. The evidence gleaned from redshift indicates that the universe is expanding, and they use this knowledge, along with other evidence, to infer that there must have been a Big Bang. One does not necessitate the other, so you'll need to do more than object to the...
  10. a13antichrist


    In that case please explain why your analysis of red-shift combined with the Hubble Constant leads you to concluse that the universe cannot be more than 25,000 years old, whereas top cosomologists have calcluated it to be in the region of 18 Billion or so?
  11. a13antichrist


    Proving it incorrect is all that's needed. And all you need is to provide an example of what WOULD prove the theory wrong, & let people try to demonstrate that example. Creationism can never be proven INCORRECT either, because it's not based on scientific observation but pure blind...
  12. a13antichrist

    This sex... issue...

    I left out #3, I suppose I assumed it would be rather obvious what I was referring to.. but you know what you get when you assume... ;) You can either fuck someone for physical gratification, or you can fuck them because you appreciate them & want to share the intimacy that sex involves...
  13. a13antichrist

    This sex... issue...

    Good sex depends on Intimacy, not on Love. If you're deeply in love, you have no problems with trust or intimacy. If you're both looking for a quick shag, then you have no problems with trust and intimacy - there is none, and none is required. But being in love isn't the only time you have...
  14. a13antichrist

    This is, too...

    That's not what I get out of that, but in any case the right to be able to provide for yourself is more fundamental than the right to own stuff. Should you choose to ask other people to work for you, to increase your own personal ability to provide for yourself, then you have an obligation...
  15. a13antichrist


    Something else that may be of interest (or amusement, depending on your perspective).
  16. a13antichrist


    The main thing you're overlooking is the simple fact that it only has to happen once for us to observe it. It may well be true that the odds are infintessimally small, but then there's every suggestion that the universe has been here for an inordinate amount of time - our universe has existed...
  17. a13antichrist


    You can believe what you want, however I must object to your use of the word "theory". To qualify as a valid "theory", an idea/belief/proposal must be able to be demonstrated to be either wrong or right, or it must be able to be shown that the theory could be disproved given certain evidence...
  18. a13antichrist


    There's a big difference between judging & having an opinion. Maybe that's where you're going wrong....
  19. a13antichrist

    This sex... issue...

    Only half the story and perilously close to retard-territory. First non-retarded thing so far in this thread.
  20. a13antichrist

    This sex... issue...

    Way to fuck up your kids, good on ya. :retard: