Know what really freaked me about it? I got a barn...well, more like a dirt floor garage, but humor a redneck. I KNOW they's legless reptiles in that place.
I keep m'boat there.
I can't swim.
I get that boat out on the water one day and a snake comes crawlin' out from where we store...
*tips hat to yahoo spider*
I gotta break the question down into two catagories.
Best singular moments:
The first time I saw KISS live. I cried like a bitch.
Walking across the stage at MTSU with my college diploma.
One particular hike I took (solo) about six years ago. I...
And now for the downside of spring.
I'm mowin'. Peacefully. Ain't botherin' a soul. Round the corner of the house...the one with the door that goes into the crawlspace below...
SNAKE!!!!!! :eek5:
I actually tried to run over the fucker with the mower, but he was too quick. At...
Congratulations. Welcome to iggyland. I've seen few to match your level. Kindly refrain from stalking me like three of the other six on there seem to do/have done. Adieu.
Keep scanning TidyBowl and leave the thinking to those better qualified. Your ignorance is astounding, your paranoia is monumental, and your agenda is showing. Then again, what would I know about working with victims of crimes?