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  1. SouthernN'Proud

    Legislators questioning the benefits of ethanol

    Be right careful about that dude. The law's lookin awful close at stuff like that around here. Make damn sure you can prove you didn't steal it. We even get about a news story a month about catalytic (sp?) converters bein sawed off cars on lots. A PSA is runnin on th'TV about the dangers of...
  2. SouthernN'Proud

    Who lives ... who dies

    *cough*Messican abortions*cough*
  3. SouthernN'Proud


    *DISCLAIMER* The following post is based upon info posted by person/s not on ignore only, in accordance with the prophecy. Could it possibly be that the DNA swabs are to determine...oh, I dunno....maybe something like PATERNITY???!! I mean, we gots us a CONVICTED sex...
  4. SouthernN'Proud

    Some people just don't get it.

    Of course she does. Do tell. All the time huh? Guess the problem will burn itself out right soon then. Has naybody explained to June Cleaver here what is causing all these kids? If ya ain't got time (or sense, or ability, or inclination, or...) to watch the younguns, keep y'laigs...
  5. SouthernN'Proud

    Canada's WalMart?

    So nobody can say I made this up or Wow. At least they stepped up and did the right thing. Hopefully the manager got sacked or at least demoted.
  6. SouthernN'Proud

    Who lives ... who dies

    :wstupid: Gimme back what's forcefully taken from me 24 times a year and watch me build a retirement fund, pay for health care, and continue to give a portion to those TRULY unable to help themselves. The other 70% of the people on the dole can get off their ass and go to work like I do...
  7. SouthernN'Proud

    What are you listening to right now?

    Bombastic Plastic - Black 'N' Blue
  8. SouthernN'Proud

    Lets play word association

  9. SouthernN'Proud

    tonks - hair advice

    Oh hell BoP, quit dickin around and go whole hog with it already. Easy to style, yet distinctive. :eyemouth:
  10. SouthernN'Proud

    Who lives ... who dies

    A: Who decides where the cutoff point is on blood sugar? Is a reading of 201 too high? B: Severe chronic disease (I'll assume the words 'disorder' or 'condition' may be substituted). Guess I'm a dead man then huh? Course, Stephen Hawking would have have to go first. Can't have the...
  11. SouthernN'Proud

    What are you listening to right now?

    No Quarter - Led Zeppelin
  12. SouthernN'Proud

    What's for dinner honor of Cinco de Mayo, I think I'll have fried chicken, salad, and biscuits.
  13. SouthernN'Proud

    What is up with these people!

    SnP calls the whole damn ball of wax repulsive. Thankfully the baby lived through her negligence...this time. Yeah, it's better than tossin the baby in a trash can at KFC, but still. Anybody check her green card? Didn't think so. And if her momma couldn't tell she was nine months...
  14. SouthernN'Proud

    Happy birthday SL!

    Joyous celebration of the anniversary of your birth and everything that goes with it and a few sausages for good measure.
  15. SouthernN'Proud

    What's for dinner

    Tonight we dine upon steak. These morsels of pure ambrosia shall be complimented by a thorough salad, grilled corn on the cob, most likely some manner of roll, and if all goes well some ice cream. I'm fasting already (well, I will be when I finish my coffee...)
  16. SouthernN'Proud


    If one were savvy to the legal process, one would realize that dropping a warrant does not preclude taking out a new one with a different day of infraction on it, or an amended charge, or any other factual variance covered therein being alleged. Guess one isn't overly savvy. One could learn a...
  17. SouthernN'Proud

    SPRING whooo

    Yeah. For the most part we keep our collective asses out'n the north. Even a rattlesnake can't take bein around yankees. :)
  18. SouthernN'Proud

    SPRING whooo

    Snake traps. :bs: :lol: They're called hogs. Hog'll eat a snake right quick like.
  19. SouthernN'Proud

    SPRING whooo

    I've tried many times. I'm not bouyant. Besides, shit floats; sugar sinks. :bgking:
  20. SouthernN'Proud


    'Nother one Sects = sex it seems.