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  1. Bink


  2. Bink

    I have a hairy pussy.

    "When 900 years old you come, look as good, you will not, hmmm?"
  3. Bink

    I´ve been dying to ask this question at HWC...

    Well that's settled then, no one knows better then an 8 year old when it comes to DragonBallZ vs Superman :D
  4. Bink

    good going!

    In the immortal words of Scooby Doo, "I dont get eet" (ok ok, I know it's Gromit, but it's the only dog emoticon I could find on short notice ;) )
  5. Bink

    I´ve been dying to ask this question at HWC...

    Well, picture this. A bunch of apes who look like humans running around grunting and grrr-ing until their hair turns golden, at which poing they proceed to severly bash all the bad guys (incidentally named after kitchen appliances) who always seem to want to destroy the Earth. Throw in the...
  6. Bink


    My appologies then s4, I wasn't aware of the full story :o It's your choice to stay or leave, but it is a shame to see someone leave like this when the board is still so young :( (Oh, and congradulations on being the new Super Mod) ;)
  7. Bink

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    Heheh, interesting way of looking at it krusty :D
  8. Bink

    I´ve been dying to ask this question at HWC...

    Galactus? "It can't be! Such... POWER! Grrrrrrrr" :D (You'd probably need to have watched some of the earlier episodes of DBZ to get that) ;)
  9. Bink

    I Need A Matrox Case Badge™

    Doh! Hit Submit too many times :o
  10. Bink

    I Need A Matrox Case Badge™

    Could this be him? Batt'ry
  11. Bink


    Seems strange talking about s4, I'd rather give him the respect of talking with him. Would you at least let him know of the topic's continuation krusty?
  12. Bink


    Fair enough. Sounds like there was a vast misunderstanding. He'd given us a strong indication he had no interest in the position, otherwise he'd probably be at least a Moderator now going by sbcanada's offer.
  13. Bink

    I Need A Matrox Case Badge™

    Hey, it's cool, we just need to trash it up a little Toolbox
  14. Bink


    All allegations aside, being a good Moderator does entail more then popular choice (but hopefully people keep this in mind if it comes to that). Some of the basic principals of moderating include: * A moderator must have patience, be it with a newbie, or with someone who is stiring up...
  15. Bink


    s4, you took a jab at someone when none of us were able to see why. For that reason, a few people jumped to unclehobart's defence, as could be expected. It's pointless packing your bags and leaving when we've yet to really hear your side of the story. We still don't know what has made you...
  16. Bink

    I´ve been dying to ask this question at HWC...

    One thing I thought was really weird in the Japanese version though, was the voices! Piccalo usually has a major throat infection or something in the English version, his voice is so gruff. But in the Japanese version, I suspect his voice might be played by a woman! :eek: (as with a...
  17. Bink

    I´ve been dying to ask this question at HWC...

    LOL! :D Yeah, I'd noticed that too in the Japanese versions of the DBZ movies I've got. I couldn't believe some of the things they said and did. The censorship is a shame... damn shame.
  18. Bink

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    No point debating the biblical matters with an athiest, so I'll stick to the basic principals ;) For as long as human kind can remember, it has been human nature to conflict. There has been no recorded time in history where everything was fine and dandy. The same traits that drive us to...
  19. Bink

    How long do you suppose before the world unites in peace?

    I honestly don't think it will ever truly happen. Not in a complete way at least. Besides, biblically, we're destined to failure :(
  20. Bink

    I´ve been dying to ask this question at HWC...

    DragonBallZ is actually from my era, being made over a decade ago. It just took them this long to finally get an english dub ;) Back in those days, people didn't care so much about moral issues and censorship in cartoons :D