Search results

  1. Bink

    A meal with the unexpected bonus...

    I was just munchin away on my mystery meal (ie: threw it together with bits in the fridge) and I found a piece of fishing line in the beef about 5cm long!! :mad2: Now, I don't know, perhaps fishermen these days aren't just draggin in tuna and dolphins. Or maybe cattle have taken a liking...
  2. Bink

    Page auto-refresh?

    Auto refresh. I've seen this done at some forums and it can be handy for those who just leave the page open waiting for new replies/topics. Say, every 5-10 minutes the page automatically refreshes so we can just casually check on it inbetween moments of work ;)
  3. Bink

    G´day ris!

    G'day ris! Howdy ris, tis good to see you here also! :D
  4. Bink

    Is olman really ol\´man, or outlaw?

    Is olman really ol\'man, or outlaw? Place your votes! Is olman really who you think he is ;)