Search results

  1. IDLEchild

    So is this place dead or what?

    I pop in every now and then and I literally feel tumble weeds blowing by. What gives? This use to be a lively place.
  2. IDLEchild

    My own personal hell

    Here's a tip...don't ever ever EVER fall in love with your co-worker. Even if every inch of your body tells you to, resist, don't. Unrequited love is easy to deal with when you're not forced to face the person 5 days a week for 8hrs a day. Everyday has become an exercise in blood pressure...
  3. IDLEchild

    Settling a lottery bet

    So my sibling and I had a discussion. As you know the Mega Millions jackpot is 333 million now...I didn't win (surprise surprise)... ...I said, since you can only pick a # between 1-56, after enough drawings a certain winning number will repeat itself again. Now granted the number of drawings...
  4. IDLEchild

    NYC auto show 2009

    Made a trip down to NYC auto show and it was fun. It's quite great at reminding you how poor you really are. Took some pics for those of you who live in places that doesn't host these events.
  5. IDLEchild


    Accidently clicked on my name and saw my profile page and it just hit me that it'll be my 6yr OTC anniversary soon. Wow, that means being an OTC member is the only consistent thing I have done in the last 10 yrs. I guess I don't have the post count to show the age. I try to go for quality...
  6. IDLEchild

    Interview advice

    People here generally give excellent advice so here goes. Is it a good idea to polietly ask a compnay's financial health during an interview? Slipping that question in during the end of the interview? I mean it's only fair. I've seen people get hired in November, be well liked, work hard and...
  7. IDLEchild

    Gran Turismo 5

    For the love of god Sony, bring this game out already. I know Polyphony digital is a perfectionist studio but how long is this game going to be in production! I bought a ps3 for 2 things; this game and a blu-ray player. Why can't they release this game and add the stuff as free updates later...
  8. IDLEchild

    Music Theory???

    This may or may not have been mentioned before but I want an answer to this. Why is term Music theory have the word theory in it? We know it works, how it works, why it works and the fact that great music exists is because it works. So why not give music knowledge it's props for being so...
  9. IDLEchild


    I am really puzzled. By all acounts I should love this movie. It's an artistic masterpiece. The story is original and creative. The art direction is an imginative marvel... tell me why I almost fell asleep watching the movie. I even considered walking out (but I refuse to do that...
  10. IDLEchild

    Howard Arnold Walter

    Where do you go with a face so bright? I seek the Bourne of the Fadeless Light. And what if the end be death at last? Not death, but life, with the shadow past. Who are you, Spirit, with heart so true? I was once your dream, and I might be--you. My Creed "I would be true, for...
  11. IDLEchild

    Digital SLR camera

    Anyone here have one or plan to own a Digital SLR? I use to love working with film but when digital pretty much made film retardedly expensive to work with I started to look into dslrs. I've been researching canon models for a while now. Problem is, everytime I finally make up my mind...
  12. IDLEchild

    Need advice about a stolen car

    So my car was stolen. It sucks ass but it happened. But, the insurance company keeps finding new excuses to delay the claim. I gave them everything they asked for but every week they keep coming up with new excuses and keep delyaing a judgement. However, I am starting to get worried that...
  13. IDLEchild

    Music help Can anyone identify what song that is. It even stumped Shazam and i've thrown some pretty tought stuff a Shazam. I have heard this song before. I know there are music experts here so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  14. IDLEchild

    Bowling for Columbine

    Ok I know I am years behind but I recently ended up watching this movie. What a fucking travesty this film is. I am liberal, hell I am very liberal but also conservative in many regards but this movie is offensive to all sides. I am sure many of you members have seen it....were you just as...
  15. IDLEchild

    Hand built basement lambo

    Forgive me if this has been mentioned already but it is just too cool to not see. See the rest. How about you guys? Would you ever build a basement car inspired by a movie? I wouldn't...
  16. IDLEchild

    100 new beers in one year

    That is my goal. Yours truly has taken it upon himself and his body to try 100 new beers within one year. I felt as a beer lover that my experience was lacking in this wonderful world of brews. I started a blog (I know, I know..Ugh, another one of these but give it a chance) to record my...
  17. IDLEchild

    New addition to the misfit clan

    She has certain habits... she also loves beer, no joke. Gets saucy and violent after taking a few licks.
  18. IDLEchild

    The dark Knight - Joker and batman Priceless =)
  19. IDLEchild

    Ex talk...appropriate?

    Is it normal for, someone you're currently dating, to talk about their Exes, past relationships, and people they've dated, A LOT? Like, point out people they've picked up, been hit on by and hit on as you and this person walk around their neighborhood? or bring up past relationships and...
  20. IDLEchild

    How to be a pop star Not that this is disturbing but still...