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  1. paul_valaru

    The man in black fled across the desert

    and the gunslinger followed.... ....and I guess still is another dark tower book is percolating through the mind of Mr. King
  2. paul_valaru

    Now does this help or hinder the peace process

    link Con: Hezbollah was getting a big ass weapon shipment Pro: now they are not. Double plus pro: Israel now has the weapons. Not to shuck my liberal seeming, but shouldn't Israel just crush them already? I vote yes.
  3. paul_valaru

    Sick People

    Why do they come to work, and infect the rest of us? Seriously, if you are sick, stay home. At least one (of the 4) sick people in today is wearing a mask. I have had to go into work sick before (network install appointment, I had to be there) but I wore a mask all day, and stayed in my...
  4. paul_valaru

    Spamming for a friend.

    just looking for some votes, if you can take the 2 minutes, I would appreciate it. link Thanks
  5. paul_valaru

    Illegal Alien costume causes upset

    link even i think this is far too PC.
  6. paul_valaru

    Who Brings em back

    When a missing member returns saying they got an email comes back, who is your first gut feeling of who brought them back.
  7. paul_valaru

    To respond or not.

    with TSA respond to this ladies blog, to Obama calling FOX an extension of the republican party, it seem people are more willing to comment or respond on those they see as doing them wrong. Is this a good thing, or is it slowing everything down. Myself, I think Obama was wrong in making...
  8. paul_valaru

    TSA took my baby

    woman gets pulled out of line at an airport because she kept dinging the metal detector. She has a child with her, she claims they took the child. Heart breaking link if a bit melodramatic. I sorta felt for her, though I thought TSA was doing it's job. then.... link2 turns...
  9. paul_valaru

    Oh crap

    we are back on the air
  10. paul_valaru

    Linux help

    Suse 10.2 or centOS which is better (for out mail server, the program we use will run on either of those) also will be running a CRM off it later.
  11. paul_valaru

    A well written book review.

  12. paul_valaru

    Geckos don't like Glenn Beck

    Geico no longer advertises on Glen Beck show Turns out they don't like his hate mongering.
  13. paul_valaru

    So, Dungeons & Dragons

    Anyone play? I used to, but too busy now. Gonna try to get the kids into it.
  14. paul_valaru

    Pasta maker.

    After about 8 months of searching (meaning going into stores to hear they are out of stock) we got a pasta maker. so far made ravioli last night. and spaghetti tonight. I likes it.
  15. paul_valaru

    Blind man asked to leave bus because his dog offended muslims

    link made my jaw drop reading this. and it's not in the US, so none of your regular BS, you know who you are.
  16. paul_valaru

    Another Vista Question

    Anyone know of a good search app, that works over mapped drives?
  17. paul_valaru

    Gun laws may be easing

    link In Canada. we may be able to take our fully automatic machine guns to the range.... (I didn't know we could have fully automatic machine guns)
  18. paul_valaru

    White House is gonna cost taxpayers....

    ...nothing. For redecoration I meant to put that in the title. link The Obamas have decided to absorb the costs personally.
  19. paul_valaru

    About damn time.

    Link But they say it like it is a bad thing. The joy of religious freedom is the freedom FROM religion. People are free to practice their religions, but the beliefs of those religions should not be used to dictate government. I see the downfall of religion in the west as the start...
  20. paul_valaru

    Why is Bill O'Reilly

    Allowed to talk at a benefit for a rape survivors orginization. ( the man has said The man is saying it was her own fault she was raped. He is an animal.