Search results

  1. Ms Ann Thrope

    follow the money

    While researching a particular candidate's positions I found these sites: and Anyone else out there as horrified and dismayed as I am by the amount of dollars raised and spent to buy political office? I mean, why bother using the verb "win" when...
  2. Ms Ann Thrope

    favorite funny movies

    Last Saturday I was chatting with someone about comedy in film. I'm usually in the foreign film or drama section at the video store, due to the fact that Hollywood has forgotten how to make a good comedy imho. Nevertheless, I do enjoy a good comedy, so here's a list of a few of my favorites...
  3. Ms Ann Thrope

    Libertarianism (a humorous view)

    from here: (I've italicized my personal favorites ;) ) Introduction One of the most attractive features of libertarianism is that it is basically a very simple ideology. Maybe even simpler than Marxism, since you don't have to learn foreign...
  4. Ms Ann Thrope

    HEY SHARKY? You gonna hit it tonight?

    just in case.... here ya go, bro' and a premature congratulations! (let's hope that's all that's premature) :winkkiss:
  5. Ms Ann Thrope

    HOLY AMPHIBIAN! Go Squiggy, GO!

    You're nearly there, man.... pretty soon it'll be all over... 10K POSTS! Congratulations, buddy! *party*
  6. Ms Ann Thrope

    Identity Theft

    Are you protected? Apparently our beloved Squiggy isn't.... :rofl: Squiggy
  7. Ms Ann Thrope

    My favorite Christmas stories

    I try to read or listen to both of these every year. NPR usually broadcasts Truman Capote's story, and I have a badly worn cassette tape of Dylan Thomas's piece. click here for: A Christmas Memory by Truman Capote click here for: A Child's Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas Hope...
  8. Ms Ann Thrope

    Assassinated December 8th, 1980

    I will remember. :crying4:
  9. Ms Ann Thrope

    on December 1st, 1955

    On December 1, 1955, seamstress Rosa Parks changed America forever when she was arrested for refusing to yield her seat to a white patron on a Montgomery, Alabama city bus. Mrs. Parks was found guilty of disorderly conduct and that lead directly to the famous Montgomery Bus Boycott. for...
  10. Ms Ann Thrope

    Welcome Sween! ah...the exodus continues...

    hey there, big guy! heard a rumour that you might join the liberated DeMooted here -- I think you'll like this place and I know I like the fact that you're here... :winkkiss: the downtrodden female formerly known as Hasty Ent
  11. Ms Ann Thrope

    Welcome Cirdan - another one of the DeMooted

    welcome buddy! looking forward to your eloquent, thought provoking, insightful and poignant posts... :D :banana:
  12. Ms Ann Thrope

    it's another refugee!!!! welcome BeardofPants!

    you, me, Oz and AlphaTroll need to have a party celebrating our emancipation!!! Welcome BofP!
  13. Ms Ann Thrope

    Elia Kazan is dead

    Love him or hate him? A brilliant director -- he won an Oscar for "On the Waterfront" -- he also testified against friends and colleagues before the House Committee on Un-American Activities during the McCarthy era. I try to separate the man from the work. Respect his achievements, and...