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  1. ihcra

    dancing banana lives!

    busy busy busy like ris only moreso ;)
  2. ihcra

    dancing banana lives!
  3. ihcra

    A foolish nation...

    no freed IRA prisoners (which the US called for btw) have since been rearrested on terrorism charges of any degree not that this means they are reformed but it is part of an ongoing reconciliation program as a means to scale down the gulf of tension that existed
  4. ihcra

    Lets play word association

    toxicity ?
  5. ihcra

    israel law limits arab citizenship

    balance actually the policy is nothing to do with preserving jewishness and neither is it anything to do with purity of population precisely as ris ppointed out israel is by and large a secular state in that it has a legal system which is codified and based on international law and not on...
  6. ihcra

    Suffering the consequences of the last decades failures.

    two points 1. UK and US both have violated un resolutions from time to time - one resolution is not necessarily the same value as another 2. to go back tot he first post ... the weapons inspectors were not thrown out of iraq in the 90s - they were withdrawn at the request of the US
  7. ihcra

    Lets play word association

  8. ihcra

    Lets play word association

  9. ihcra

    where do you fall on the political spectrum

    sounds like your scared to take the test
  10. ihcra

    where do you fall on the political spectrum

    has anyone come out as right yet?
  11. ihcra

    where do you fall on the political spectrum

    Economic Left/Right: -3.12 Authoritarian/Libertarian: -6.92
  12. ihcra

    brits: which mobi provider?

    took your eye off the ball eh ris?
  13. ihcra

    where do you fall on the political spectrum

    would you consider yourself right or left liberal or authoriutarian? test it out and post the results
  14. ihcra

    Let us be extreme

    silly poll - but you knew that already
  15. ihcra

    this is funny

    check it
  16. ihcra

    brits: which mobi provider?

  17. ihcra

    canadian weapons inspectors to lead the inspection of the usa

    they may as well be welsh for the notice anyone will take of them
  18. ihcra

    canadian weapons inspectors to lead the inspection of the usa
  19. ihcra

    I don't think this is right.

    did i miss the bit where the accused is innocent until proven guilty? and incidentally this isnt strictly politics - it is more social morality politics is super - political correctness is not quite so super
  20. ihcra

    World's Tallest Building Proposed For WTC Site

    to be fair to yourself ris your concrete box would prolly have a pretty stained glass window!