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  1. P

    One nation, under who again?

    There are people who consistently respond to topics that are stale or unworthy of comment. It brings to mind the quote by Mark Twain who said, "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt".
  2. P

    One nation, under who again?

    When the Ole Possum signed onto this website, he was diligent about reading the rules, regulations, etc.. Even checked and double checked, the part where it says this section contains volitile opinions, something not all bad as sometimes things need to be said that are not popular, border on or...
  3. P

    'overt' plane activity

    Must have missed the part that said they were having intercourse in the john. But, did pay attention to the part where the other passengers could see, and were uncomfortable with thier public displays of affection. Could it be they had the door to the rest room in the open position ??? Unless...
  4. P

    2006 Mid-Term Election

  5. P

    2006 Mid-Term Election

    Was sitting by my porcupine friend, after a successful evening of foraging, trying desperately to avoid his quills, and thinking how long it would take Gonz to say, "I didn't ask how long we fought the war, I asked how long we were there...." and the ole possum was not disappointed. Funny how a...
  6. P

    2006 Mid-Term Election

  7. P

    2006 Mid-Term Election

    What is that sound ?? HA !!!!! The distant rumbling of pessimism has reached the Okeefenokee !!!!. Here in the swamp, most of us have a modicum of faith. Faith of the sort that not all democrats equal bad and not all republicans equal blue skies, apple pie and prosperity. Or vice versa...
  8. P

    2006 Mid-Term Election

    Man oh man !! What gloom and doom predictions!!!!! If Nancy Pelosi follows through, efforts will be to work together. Last time we had that as I recall was when Gingrich and Clinton worked together to reduce the indebtedness of this nation. And that was a good thing. All this talk about...
  9. P

    pronto condoms

    Okay. I give up. Hurry or no hurry, as per the demonstration, why would anyone want to put a condom on an inanimate object ???????
  10. P

    Hillary Clinton: U.S. Weakened by Debt

    Japan owns nearly two times the amount of U.S. debt China does. Something in the area of Japan holding $637 billion to China holding $320 or so, but who's counting the odd digit. Either way, one/quarter of the U.S. debt is held by Japan and China with recent reports Japanese investors no...