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  1. Frodo

    Eugenics or common sense?

    All right, here is the question: If the court has taken away the children of low life parents, should the court also mandate sterilization, temporary or permanent? Situation: My wife comes across the lowest human debris in her line of work. Quite often a woman has so many different fathers...
  2. Frodo

    Oh, Looky

    Another of my rights that Obama is willing to give up in the name of international appeasement. At least Chavez will respect us now!!
  3. Frodo

    Obama Defense Policy:

    Billions for tributes, but not a penny for defense!! Since the F-22 has never been used in Iraq or Afghanistan, we need to cut it according to Gates. I wonder if that applies to submarines too? Now that we giving up our...
  4. Frodo

    Highway Robbery

    I smell a jail term for these guys. Put them in a cell with Ben. Ben Dover!!,0,6051682.story
  5. Frodo

    Congress's Next Act :lol2:
  6. Frodo

    Dr. Strangelove Set Free Why is he still alive? I wonder if Putin has any of those little ricin laced pellets left over from his KGB days?
  7. Frodo

    Anyone else...

    Would go to prison for being so stupid. But not Feinstein. She is a card carrying member of the peoples party, so all is overlooked. This is why security briefs should never be given to congress.
  8. Frodo

    Kill the slut

    Sharia law is great. If a 13 year old is raped, they kill her for having sex outside of marriage. But, kill a man and torture his mother and you basically walk. Well, at least they weren't judgmental Christians!!