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  1. AlphaTroll

    Yeah, OK

    They should have said from the start they interviewed old croies - shoulda stuck to the young ones, to whom sex really matters. Dyamn
  2. AlphaTroll

    Ever been this drunk?

  3. AlphaTroll


    I have finally read the AUP (yip, it's only taken me like 3 years :rolleyes: ). Anyway, I take exception to this: The 'reason' listed under b is offensive and degrading. Especially if you consider that the ones most often having sense of humour failure and meltdowns are in fact men and not...
  4. AlphaTroll

    Where do you lay your hat?

    I was just wondering, after Prof's remark about the comfort of trailers, what kind of abode do most of you have? Do ou like it? Is the upkeep expensive? Where would you really want to live...and in what?
  5. AlphaTroll

    Happy Birthday Bish

    Hope you have a truly wonderful day :) Drinks are on me :drink:
  6. AlphaTroll

    I am sad

    Just had some bad news. Probably not earth shattering in the greater scheme of things, but it's pretty damned sad to me. A very close friend (I would actually go so far as to say best friend) is moving to Canada at the end of the year. This sucks big time. I actually feel like crying :mope:
  7. AlphaTroll

    How does it happen?

    So I noticed that Paul is 100% Canadian Beef & Winky is dastardly.... Just wondered how on earth they managed to scrounge up such nifty user title thingies?
  8. AlphaTroll

    Interfering Exes

    So, I have this little situation with an ex. We broke up a while ago after being together for about a year or so. Recently I met someone else and I think this could be the beginning of something great. Unfortunately the ex & I move in the same social circles. At first it was OK, after all we...
  9. AlphaTroll

    Commonwealth Games

    So the opening ceremony was last night - I thought it was kinda weird, possibly because I switched to it midway through the event and caught what looked like a boy and a duck on adventure or some such (made me think of Nils Holgersohn). And the queen looked seriously constipated. First events...
  10. AlphaTroll


  11. AlphaTroll

    Happy Birthday mofo ;)

    Always wanted to call someone a mofo (for no particular reason, but I have never used the term mofo and well, you're the lucky winner....and since this is moi starting your bifday thread, I thought you'd be too pleased with me to scream at me for cursing *bats eyelashes and wiggles ass*)...
  12. AlphaTroll

    Happy Birthday Spot're, like, so OLD! ;) Hope you have a total blast!
  13. AlphaTroll

    Hey Prof

    I love you man. No seriously. It had to be said. So there. :D (Hi, my name is Kaz and I am a spamwhore......... :P )
  14. AlphaTroll

    Thank you Mr. Darwin

  15. AlphaTroll

    Porn for Science Types

    It's actually really safe to click me And if this has been posted before....bite me.
  16. AlphaTroll

    Chuck Norris & Mr. T

    According to Einstein's theory of relativity, Chuck Norris can actually roundhouse kick you to yesterday. § Oxygen requires Chuck Norris to live. § Achilles was supposedly the greatest warrior of all time, but he died because of his weak spot, the Achilles tendon. There is...
  17. AlphaTroll


    So, what kind of vampire are you? Me:
  18. AlphaTroll

    What exactly is an 8-Track???

    Well??? I don't think I have ever seen one, and obviously have no clue what it is? And why do I hear guys in movies refer to them so nostalgically?
  19. AlphaTroll

    Attention BeardofPants

    This made me think of you (I am as baffled as you about the reasons). Shortest Fairy Tale Ever: Once upon a time, a girl asked a guy "Will you marry me?" The guy said, "No" and the girl lived happily ever after and went shopping, dancing, drank martinis, always had a clean house, never...
  20. AlphaTroll

    Simpsons Question

    OK, I know this is probably a little weird, but I was watching some (probably old) Simpsons episode last night, my mind kinda drifted and I eventually ended with one question on my mind: Do you think Lisa & Millhouse will eventually get married?