101 Last Days Prophecies

The end
is near

We're all going to die, just probably not when this jamoke says. I interpret his carefully chosen scripture passages differently, but then I would. :yell:
I love the way people always take bible passages out of context... I guess they do that with the Koran as well... :rolleyes:
Actually they don't. The bible is the only religious book that uses prophecy. As a matter of fact about a third of the bible is prophecy. Do a google 'exact' search and you'll find that using the term "Koran prophecy" you get only 6 results but a "bible prophecy" search gives you 86,600.
It wasn't the prophecies that I was refering to but the fact that people take passages out of context and use them to their own advantage.

Of course it doesn't just happen with religious texts but secular texts as well. :)
a13antichrist said:
So stop posting garbage.

i see no reason for that comment, some of hexploit's threads may not be to your interest but as long as they fulfill the criteria of rw topics they are welcome here.

if you disagree then post serious counterpoints that generate discussion, if unable to do that then best advice is to ignore the threads.
ris said:
i see no reason for that comment, some of hexploit's threads may not be to your interest but as long as they fulfill the criteria of rw topics they are welcome here.

I agree completely; however:

Aunty Em said:
It wasn't the prophecies that I was refering to but the fact that people take passages out of context and use them to their own advantage.
HeXp£Øi± said:
I agree on all counts.

He admits that the link posted above is nothing more than propoganda from religious zealots - and further, that he is opposed to this sort of "litteral manipulation". Whether I personally find the article interesting or not is irrelevant; the point is that he states he does not condone this sort of text but nevertheless posts it as a credible item - and in the Real World no less. Had it been posted as a demonstration of the idiocy of some certain religious fanatics, labelled as such and perhaps in the Lunatic Lounge where it could not be mistaken for a genuine attempt at information, it would maybe seem less hypocritical. As it is, all we can see is that he himself thinks the text is a waste of time but decided to post it anyway. THAT is the problem with the thread - not because it's garbage, but because he thinks it is but still posted it.
a13, I'm not sure that was what Hex meant (though it does seem that way). I think he was agreeing that many people do take things out of context to support their own point of view, but not necessarily that this one was. What scares me is that I'm afraid President Bush believes the same thing (he's a born again christian), thinks he's fighting the final battle and will be rewarded in heaven (doesn't that sound familiar?).

Just my opinion. :blank:
chcr said:
I think he was agreeing that many people do take things out of context to support their own point of view, but not necessarily that this one was.

I took that into account, however considering that it was this particular one that caused Aunty Em to make the comment in the first place, it must obviously have contained sufficient content to take the benefite of the doubt as to whether Hex was directly implying this article - and if he didn't, that he should have, which is precisely the point Em was making.