

New Member
... that's the amount in my checking right now. :D Can anyone beat that?

*runs to atm to see how much damage I can do to my savings account* :D
i hadn't looked at my bank account for 6 months until i had to take out 200quid in cash, i was in a crazy denial after i came back from scandinavia broke and with no job.

it was a happy story, i had 600quid in there that i promptly blew on car repairs, moving house and paint.
kuulani said:
... that's the amount in my checking right now. :D Can anyone beat that?

*runs to atm to see how much damage I can do to my savings account* :D

$2.78 :D

* patiently awaits direct deposit of his paycheck on Friday
I have to keep over a grand in mine just to qualify for free checking... but its also a nice buffer against bouncing checks.
wow ... I didn't think it was possible ... but I actually have more than ku'u in my checking account .. that's never happened before! :D
I've got overdraft protection up to $500. I think it's sitting somewhere around -$398 right now. :disgust2:
I'm sitting at 50 right now, with 34 something in my purse...getting kinda phreaked out :eek5:
kuulani said:
... that's the amount in my checking right now. :D Can anyone beat that?

*runs to atm to see how much damage I can do to my savings account* :D

Whoa! Like y'ave actually got $ in savings?:eek:

My checking's lookin' like a charitable contribution to the local Goodwill, as well!:(
Well, you're still posting, so I guess the Power, Phone, and ISP got paid. What else could you possibly need?