2 aircraft, 600 miles, 180 seconds


molṑn labé
Staff member
Two Russian commercial jets crash in a span of 3 minutes. They both left the same airport. Was it bad fuel? Not likely when one of those jets is about 400 miles from the airport & the other is 200 miles away. Is there any question this is the act of terrorists?

Not any longer.

AT least one of the two Russian plane crashes that killed some 90 people this week was the result of a terrorist attack, the top Russian security service spokesman said.

"According to our initial investigation, at least one of the air crashes, the one in the Rostov region, came as a result of a terror attack," spokesman Sergei Ignatchenko told ITAR-TASS news agency.

Investigators said they had found traces of explosive material in the wreckage of one of the two planes that crashed in southern Russia, Russian news agencies reported

Pravda said:
The preliminary results of the investigation of the crash of TU-134 and TU-154 gave the grounds to say that acts of terrorism took place.
The pilots of both the planes gave SOS signals, the damages of both the planes were identical - their tails were torn in the air, and there were females whose relatives have no interest to their destiny, on both the planes...

Winky said:
they used to be our enemy
now we face a common enemy

Ya know, in many ways, the world was safer when the Cold War was raging. We weren't gonna blow them up & they weren't gonna blow us up (MAD) & the remaining wannabes were controllable pawns. Now, if & when we take care of bizness, the whole world pouts & condemns & asks us for mo money.
Amen to that brotha...

but us evil Republicans have an
evil scheme to sort this issue out
just you read the latest fax from the:

"Vast right-wing conspiracy".

yer still on the 'list'.

I saw yer name...
Part of ther vast right wing conspiracy....check.

conservative in nature & not so damned open minded that my brain falls out...check

Republican...nope ;)