200 Greatest Pop Culture Icons on VH1


New Member
I caught the end of this show and couldn't believe who they picked for #1.
. I was like, WHAT? You're kidding me.

Here's their criteria:
You can quote them in an instant, reference them with just one name, and even dress up like them for Halloween. In this always-expanding pop culture of ours, there are plenty of stars, but precious few icons. On its latest edition of the acclaimed Greatest countdown series, VH1 burrows into the pop personas that have made the ultimate impact; names so familiar they're recognized and revered in the world's most far-flung spots.

What makes an “Icon?” It’s not enough to just be famous or to have won a couple of awards. You have to pass one or more of the following criteria:
  • Do they pass the one-name test?
  • Can you dress up as them for Halloween?
  • Did they blaze a trail in pop culture?
  • Did they create a signature character in pop culture?
  • Can you quote them, or their character, in 10 seconds or less?
  • Did society imitate their sense of fashion? Hairstyle?
  • Did “SNL” create a sketch satirizing them?
  • Did someone write a song about them?
  • Was or is there merchandising or paraphernalia that bears their image?
  • Can they be connected to Kevin Bacon?
Here's a link to the 1-20 list, do you agree with this? Who's on your top 10?

I can't really see Britney's tits even being in the top 2000. Theres about five people on that list that belong, and two of those are dead. What about "The Boss," Paul McCartney, hell, I could go on and on.
20. Britney Spears -no

19. The Brady Bunch -no

18. Bill Clinton -no

17. Mickey Mouse -DONALD DUCK

16. Muhammad Ali -no

15. Jennifer Lopez -no

14. Steven Spielberg -Steve Guttenburg, and that robot from short circuit

13. Jerry Seinfeld -ok ill give him a slot

12. The Beatles -no

11. Friends Cast -hell no

10. Michael Jackson -no

9. Princess Diana -no

8. Michael Jordan -no

7. Madonna -no

6. Marilyn Monroe -no

5. Tom Cruise -no

4. Lucille Ball -no

3. Elvis Presley -no

2. Superman -no

1. Oprah Winfrey- Hulk hogan
I think their criteria for being a pop culture icon is stupid to begin with. Any music artist who sells multi platinum albums and/or shows off their tits to everybody will make the list, no doubt about it. Is it fair? No. I couldn't come up with 200 icons, but my icons would probably be considered "pop culture" anyway, but I like it that way
The only ones in the HUGE list that I like are:
2. Superman
4. Lucille Ball
8. Michael Jordan
13. Jerry Seinfeld
14. Steven Spielberg
21. The Simpsons
22. Tom Hanks
30. Bill Cosby
31. Eminem
44. Michael J. Fox
46. Harrison Ford
48. Jim Carrey
61. Mike Myers
77. Bugs Bunny
79. Robin Williams
85. Eddie Murphy
97. STEPHEN KING!!!!! (Yay!!!!!)
100. Will Smith
135. Whoopi Goldberg
154. Harry Potter
167. The Three Stooges
179. Chris Rock
195. Macaulay Culkin
200. The Rock

Long list eh? :eek8:
How in the hell could Oprah be #1? Over ELVIS? It shouldnt matter if you love or hate Elvis, his impact is undeniable. The only white man a live who could do Arthur Crudups "That's All Right, Momma" and Bill Monroe's "Blue Moon of Kentucky" on a single 45", and do them both justice. Elvis's Sun Records recordings are some of the best music ever made.

How could the Beatles be all the way down at #12? They are #2.

Why are the Simpsons so low on the count and how the hell is Oprah is over the Beatles, Elvis, Einstein, Lucielle Ball, or Madonna.?
Bill Cosby should have been on there somewhere, cripes! and John Cleese...god there are so many

hey hey hey!!!