5 kids and a camera


Well-Known Member
Last evening I gave the kids the digital and I said "go to it" :D this is what they came up with .. it's a lot of pics but I figured I should post them .. give you a "glimpse" into my life ...

this is my eldest .. the first born .. Keali'i ... he's 15


kealii.jpg, 24.15kb

and here's my 10 year old son, Kawai .. he's a YogiMaster wannabe :D ... very zen ... *lights a candle*


kawai002.jpg, 29.32kb

and this is my baby .. she's 9 .. Ka'ehu ... ku'u calls her "Thug Baby" ...


kaehu.jpg, 43.46kb

this is one of two of my kids and my nephew ... you might be asking yourself "what are they looking at?"


what?.jpg, 30.98kb

this is where we were last night .. my mom's house .. this is the backyard ...


backyard.jpg, 52.62kb

more of her backyard ... it's huge too .. stretches all the way to the California coast :D


backyard003.jpg, 33.09kb

Can you start one for me too?

I wanna go :)

Really I do :D

I'll be good, I promise :D
Haha. When I first saw Kawai, I thought he was a girl with that pretty hair. Don't tell him I said that, though. People used to do that to me when I was a kid. I had hair down to my shoulders when all the other boys were sporting white-walls. It was the early 70s and we were in the buckle of the Bible belt. I even got sent to the Ladies' room once when I asked for directions to the restroom. Now the hair's all gone, though, so I don't have to worry about it anymore. :p

You have a good looking set of kids, Nalani. Sounds like you've raised them well too.
hehehe ... he's been mistaken for a girl several times, actually .. it's been a while since he's cut his hair .. it's a Yoga, zen, everything's alright with the world, thing :D

He told me yesterday that he wants to cut his hair ... but he wants to go to my friend at the salon to get it done .. my oldest, on the other hand, gets his hair cut every 2 weeks (except I haven't cut it since the beginning of June) and he's totally not picky .. grab the buzzer and the #2 clip and just go with it :D

thanks for the compliments :)