5-Year-Old Only 28 Lbs: Foster Parents Arrested

They should have been in California. At least then, the foster parents would have had proper training to make sure the kids aren't exposed to discrimination.
Yeah, apparently Cali don't make you feed 'em or anything so long as you raise 'em up to like a homosexual.

This story is disgusting. And I fear, far too common.

I supervise a young woman on probation for meth possession and PBJ (Public Blow Job). She's a meth addict, and is soon on her way back to prison for violation of said probation. This geek's mother keeps foster kids, and sometimes the meth queen is alone with them for hours. DCS has been alerted, I assure you. But what they'll do is anybody's guess. I'm betting little if anything; their excuse will be that Little Miss Meth wasn't the foster parent of record, so her actions cannot be held in consideration.

Hope I'm wrong...
I've got one that will really make you scratch your head. Current articles on the story are rare, here's one that includes a lot of commentary thrown in, but here's the gist of it:

Visalia, Calif. resident Rachelle Romano, 24 at the time, had two foster daughters, ages 17 and 15. She threw a party in April 2001 for the 17-year-old, and hired two male strippers. One of the strippers, Ray Leon, proceeded to fuck the 15-year-old foster daughter and another 15-year-old girl in the living room in front of everyone.

Romano pleaded guilty to 16 felonies and 12 misdemeanors and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Leon got four years.
First of all I'm not trying to say what these people did was right, nor that the State couldn't have done something, but there is more to this story.

I doubt I've told you guys yet, but my wife took a new job. I know I've told you that she's been at training a few times, anyway she is now a DFS Childrens worker. She's in charge of out of home children, basically kids in foster care. Now, I can't say exactly how the situation is all over the country, but I know where we live a good foster parent is a rarity. They get paid pretty decent for taking these kids, but these kids are often a handful.
The basic scenario takes place like this. Sometime during the night you get a call. They've got a kid that needs a home, now. (Most calls take place between 5pm and 2am). So sometime during the night you get this kid. This kid has just been ripped from the only home he or she has ever known. Think they're just going to go right to sleep? Ok, so a few days go by. Finally you get the story from the DFS worker, basics of what happened in the home, basics of what you need to watch for with the kid. You still aren't told at this point if the kid will be there til the weekend or til sometime next year. You just try to get by, taking care of the kids immediate needs, setting up counseling if the state is willing to pay for it, doing what you can yourself if they're not. Then one day they come and take it back. Usually not much warning there, maybe a day or two. Now, you guys that haven't been parents yet may not get the implications of that, but those of us who have understand that a day or two is not nearly enough to say goodbye. So you begin using the only other way to cope. You don't care. But not caring involves not caring to begin with, hence you get the spiral we have here.

It is very possible and almost probable at one time the Beavers were pretty decent foster parents. But also consider something else. How many others in the area were willing to do it? Before you judge them too harshly, ask yourself a question, would you be willing to take in others children?
PT said:
First of all I'm not trying to say what these people did was right, nor that the State couldn't have done something, but there is more to this story.

I doubt I've told you guys yet, but my wife took a new job. I know I've told you that she's been at training a few times, anyway she is now a DFS Childrens worker. She's in charge of out of home children, basically kids in foster care. Now, I can't say exactly how the situation is all over the country, but I know where we live a good foster parent is a rarity. They get paid pretty decent for taking these kids, but these kids are often a handful.
The basic scenario takes place like this. Sometime during the night you get a call. They've got a kid that needs a home, now. (Most calls take place between 5pm and 2am). So sometime during the night you get this kid. This kid has just been ripped from the only home he or she has ever known. Think they're just going to go right to sleep? Ok, so a few days go by. Finally you get the story from the DFS worker, basics of what happened in the home, basics of what you need to watch for with the kid. You still aren't told at this point if the kid will be there til the weekend or til sometime next year. You just try to get by, taking care of the kids immediate needs, setting up counseling if the state is willing to pay for it, doing what you can yourself if they're not. Then one day they come and take it back. Usually not much warning there, maybe a day or two. Now, you guys that haven't been parents yet may not get the implications of that, but those of us who have understand that a day or two is not nearly enough to say goodbye. So you begin using the only other way to cope. You don't care. But not caring involves not caring to begin with, hence you get the spiral we have here.

It is very possible and almost probable at one time the Beavers were pretty decent foster parents. But also consider something else. How many others in the area were willing to do it? Before you judge them too harshly, ask yourself a question, would you be willing to take in others children?

Malnutrition takes a while to drop somebody to 28 pounds. While I can lay just a bit of this problem on the Foster Parents, I lay most of it on the doorstep of everybody that has had interactions with that child...Biological parents, teachers, friends (if any), neighbors (if any), clergy (if any), et al. Perhaps this girl was anorexic...it still should've been noticed...
It's the prior problem that bothers me the most. They already had a child come out of this place underweight.