70 years to the day

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molṑn labé
Staff member
Sorry, I'm a day late.

Sept 14, 1939
Germany & the Soviets invaded Poland.

On that same day, in 2009, the relatively newly elected President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama dropped his own bomb, deciding, unilaterally, that Poland & the Czech Republic (the European Eastern Bloc) aren't good enough friends after all, no matter what NATO says.
(related story)

The call came as a surprise, and in the middle of the night, as the best surprises usually do. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk actually refused a call from Secretary of State Mrs Bill Clinton. However, our ally, Vladimir Putin, was quite happy with the move, as any good politburo bound ex-KGB officer s ought to be.

A weakened American stance by a weak American President. Well, at least Obama & Carter will have lots of time to play golf in a couple of years.
"I strongly approve of President Obama's decision regarding missile defense
deployments in Europe. I believe it advances U.S. national security interests,
supports our allies, and better meets the threats we face."


Hell yes.

In what the Guardian called "arguably the most concrete shift in foreign policy from that of the Bush administration," President Obama announced yesterday that the United States would abandon President Bush's plan to construct a missile defense system in Poland and the Czech Republic and instead focus defensive measures on more immediate threats, such as short-range Iranian missiles capable of targeting the Middle East and parts of Europe. Obama said yesterday that the new system "will provide stronger, smarter, and swifter defenses of American forces and America's allies," noting that the new system is "more comprehensive than the previous program" and that its capabilities are "proven" and "cost-effective." The new program, at the recommendation of Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, will unfold in three stages. First, by 2011, the Navy will deploy Aegis ships carrying SM-3 missiles to the eastern Mediterranean Sea to better protect U.S. allies in the Middle East and East Europe. The second phase, beginning around 2015, "will field an upgraded, land-based SM-3 in allied countries," perhaps even Poland and the Czech Republic, while the third phase envisions larger, longer-range defense missiles based in Europe to protect against intercontinental ballistic missiles.



The existing system was too expensive and completely unreliable even in favorable conditions. Looks like he's keeping the better short and mid range stuff.

Looks like Gates and the Chiefs of Staff are going in the right direction.
His timing, as always, is amazing.

First the 70th anniversry & now this
Iran's scientists have cracked the problem of building a nuclear bomb and studied how to deploy atomic warheads on missiles, according to a confidential United Nations report.


Spike, your last name isn't Chamberlain is it?
Pretty cool that he's doing what makes sense here. Furthering our national security interests while being cost effective.

I haven't found any enumerated power to be building missile defense in foreign countries interestingly enough.
Obama: pandering to our enemies and screwing ourselves and our allies.

He chooses to spend by signing a trillion dollar pork ladened stimulus bill, and weakens our national defense by cutting back.

Why do you ignore the facts in order to hate every more he makes?

"it advances U.S. national security interests,
supports our allies, and better meets the threats we face."
Pretty cool that he's doing what makes sense here. Furthering our national security interests while being cost effective.

I haven't found any enumerated power to be building missile defense in foreign countries interestingly enough.

You really need to study the Constitution.

Sec 8 said:
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
Hmmm. Is it just me, or is it better to intercept a missile at its' launch than when it's incoming??
I bet you really believe that. What a sad sorry little paranoid existence some folks lead!

So, from this I can assume that rogue dictators with nuclear weapons is considerably lower on your list of concerns than you getting the government to take other people's and hand it to you. Sounds pretty greedy to me.
Based on the text you quoted you'd really have to be using some bizarre thought processes to make the straw man assumption that you made.

If you just reread what you quoted and then your assumption there's pretty much no relation between the two. Damn that's weird shit.
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