8.8 in Chile


molṑn labé
Staff member

HOLY CRAP!!!!! That makes the ones I've been in seem tame.

Time to compare 3rd world building codes? 147 in Chile...300,000 in Haiti.

I certainly hope there isn't any more loss of life, or property destruction.
I do hope though that there's some decent equipment setup in case there is a big tsunami.
so data can be gathered.
It'd be a shame if an opportunity was missed. Especially if more property damage
does occur.
At least there'd be some gain from it.
8.8 in Chile pshaw

yeah I want cali to get with an 8.8!
then we'd have something to talk about
Cali needs an 8.8. LA or SF, take your pick.

And then there is Hawaii....

Fox has a camera waiting on the Big Island, waiting for the 400' movie tsunami to show up. It's a boring scene with a long wait.
was...they said the effects are starting to be felt...the water is receding!...,
and now they quit showing it.
Yeha, been streaming 4 channels, very little action. While its still cool it lacked the vicious attack we all were hoping for.

I loved seeing the swimmer and the surfer out there tempting fate. :bgtup:
so far, it looked like a cool little drop-n-rise event, but surely somebody
got some better vid than what I've seen.
I've seen much bigger stuff on the North Shore, in surfing events.
different type of wave.

A surge is wide perpendicular to a normal crest, like miles sometimes. Its more as if the sea level rises as it passes.
yeah, but it still looks cool.

I wonder what the record is for riding a tsunami inland is.
I heard about one couple in Fl, that rode a house top for about 18hrs,
and over 30 miles in a hurricane surge once.
eh, I started to edit that post, but....I'm lazy.

rode..."and lived".

wouldn't be good to spectate on the dead, according to my religious beliefs.
Naw I gotcha on that point. I more referring to distance surviving/bobbing that might be a record.

Being pulled along with a surge though a city has got to be tough on the body.
I don't know how rough it was, but I have heard of a person surviving
3 days at sea, with no flotation anything, after the boat was sunk by waves.

Not much obstacle to try to avoid there though.