9th Circuit calls minorities "too stupid to vote"


molṑn labé
Staff member
Actually it was ACLU lawyer Mark Rosenbaum & the court just upheld his racism.
WSTM said:
Rosenbaum says the old machines' error rate would effectively negate 40-thousand votes, many of them from low-income voters and people of color. That's because the six counties affected have 44 percent of the voters, including large numbers of low-income and minority voters.
SFGate said:
The ruling noted that "the affected counties contain a significantly higher percentage of minorities than the other counties" and cited a study that found that minority voters had more problems voting using punch cards than white, non-Hispanic voters.

The jurists on the 9th circuit also were found to be liars.
SFGate said:
The judges also noted that former California Secretary of State Bill Jones, a Republican, "officially" deemed punch-cards to be "unacceptable."

Wrong, bristled Jones on Monday. Jones noted that after Florida 2000, he pushed for California to modernize its balloting systems by 2006. The ACLU and other organizations sued the state to dump punch-card ballots more quickly. A federal judge in Los Angeles picked March 2004 as the deadline -- and the parties agreed.

On the very first paragraph of the 66-page ruling, the Ninth Circuit judges misquoted Bill Jones, who never said the punch-card system was "unacceptable." (He said it was outdated.) They took a decades-old voting mechanism that helped elect the presidents who appointed them -- and decided that it was so unreliable as to justify their decision to postone a scheduled election in which some citizens already had voted.

This is the same system used in California for over 50 years. In fact, it was just used a few months back to (erroneously) elect Greyout Davis. So why now? Because boys & girls, in the March elections they will be presidential primaries. Our current President is not contested so it'll be primarily Dems going to the polls that day. hmmmmmmm
Gonz ...do you drive a 1953 truck when you go to work? Why not? You must've stayed up all night to solidify your position on this one...:D
'53? Not at the moment. Got one I can buy? I'd be happy too have one.

Sorry Squiggs, this one is too easy to blast the court on. Hell, if it's so antiquated shouldn't they recuse themselves because every single justice was put in place by someone who was voted into office using that system. If it is so full of irregularities & problems then EVERY single election in the last X years should be recounted.

This ain't Florida 2000. Californians, while an odd lot, are generally not stupid. We have never had a problem punching those ballots (I was among them for many years).
But you've failed to take into account the declining average intelligence of Americans and the increase in the minority numbers...Don't you ever watch Leno do his Jaywalking bit? You think those college idiots could successfully vote with a 50 year old system? :D
on the upside for the republicans they can point to bill jones delivering the new system 3 years early
Sorry Squiggs, but the self-righteous, intellectual left pulls this shit all the time. Most of them don't think minorities need equal rights, but rather extra help. Let's not forget ebonics (the poor black children are too stupid to learn proper english...).
Modernization should take place uniformly across the state. You can't just have the areas with higher percentages of minorities using the old system.

This just makes the recall sham a bigger waste of money than it already was.
Re: 9th Circuit calls minorities

flavio said:
Modernization should take place uniformly across the state. You can't just have the areas with higher percentages of minorities using the old system.

Not a problem. Make everybody use the trusted, reliable & well used punch card system until all municipalities have the updated system.
Re: 9th Circuit calls minorities

This isn't about agreement with what they said AE, it's about them saying it ;)
Re: 9th Circuit calls minorities

I've been saying that for years. Anyone who thinks of himself as a minority is too dumb to do much of anything.
Re: 9th Circuit calls minorities

Gonz said:
Not a problem. Make everybody use the trusted, reliable & well used punch card system until all municipalities have the updated system.

i think therein lies the rub, if the system were that trusty and reliable then people wouldn't be seeking a improvement to it. i would say that given the system has been in place for a while and was deemed reliable enough to elect grey in the first place then using it for this thingbob can't be all that inappropriate.