A big fricken' roach


New Member
just crawled across the floor ... *grabs something to smash it*

*shudders* I hate those bastards!

Huge-mongous!! :eek5:

And it's grossing me out because I just KNOW it has a nest with hundreds of those bastards waiting to attack.
Huge-mongous is how big, exactly?

Was it one of those two-inch tropical roaches in neon colors?
You ought to come to Texas if you want to see big, ol' wood roaches. Suckers are easily 1" to 1.5" long and bodies about 3/4" wide.
ku'u, one thing is a must --- all food products, including pet food, must be kept in tight containers. A pet water dish should be emptied at night, also.

Make sure all food waste is removed and counters wiped down.

I lived in roach heaven --- Houston, TX --- my roach problem disappeared when I started feeding the cat outside and cleaning the bowl.
We live in roach heaven too ... and termite heaven! *sigh* All I need is locusts to complete the picture :D
We live in roach heaven too ... and termite heaven! *sigh* All I need is locusts to complete the picture :D

"Squirt" some powdered Boric Acid behind your stove, fridge, and behind any cabinets. Also get behind your sink along the wall...Ensure you let your kids know that this stuff is not for play. You should let it sit for about a week.
The other day I was in the kitchen and I saw a 3" roach. It was skeevy. K screamed and stood on the chair.

Then a few days later, I ran into one that was about an inch and a half, in the bathroom (which is adjacent to the kitchen)

Both were really gross. The one in the bathroom I kicked to flip it on it's back so it couldn't crawl around. The one in the kitchen, we just left immediately and haven't gone back.