a blast from the past!

yep he's still the same vapid twit he's always.

but what do i know? i ain't in the infowars knitting circle like you secret agent man.
Goth, did you see the season premier of "Brad Meltzer's Decoded"?
It was on Fort Knox....

We can't go on the gold standard, if the gold isn't there.
the gold thing is a joke anyway. it's been manipulated like everything else. only retards think it is some kind of economic salvation from orgiastic capitalism. of course the puffed-up arrogance we typically see with those retards makes this whole thing particularly amusing.

hey, maybe jesus will save us from capitalism, too. perhaps sideshow rick perry can fill us in on that one while he gives tuition money to anchor babies.

the really funny part is that the vast majority of the commie-bashing nonsense we see around here is actually part of a broader indictment of capitalism. yet the kids crying wolf don't know how they fit into the broader scheme things. ooh! sounds like i'm talking conspiracy. but i'm not... conspiracy would suggest that there is some rationality behind all this. there isn't.
hey, maybe jesus will save us from capitalism, too. perhaps sideshow rick perry can fill us in on that one while he gives tuition money to anchor babies.

that assume we need to be saved from capitalism, with which I believe is a false premise.
i do not assume that we need to be saved from capitalism. i just wonder why so many of you speak against it.
it's several of you. your machinations against various capital interests do not go unnoticed. you guys should be out there with the protesters in NYC.
the gold thing is a joke anyway. it's been manipulated like everything else.

Yea, but they can't just print more of it.

I can't think of a situation where I would plop down $1650./oz
I recall the last run.It hit $8xx.xx & people were still buying. It
took them 32+ years to make their money back. I wonder how
many held it that long. The odds are so against the buyer right
it's several of you. your machinations against various capital interests do not go unnoticed. you guys should be out there with the protesters in NYC.

do you have a particular instance that would substantiate that claim?
naw man it's just the way i feel.

now pardon me while i throw another frontyard couch on the fire.
