A day in the life.......


Too cute for words
Okay, I think I posted here that we got some new Dell computers with XP. This is my first XPerience, and it has not been all good, but I can figure it out. These computers will be in the service departments of our tire dealerships (an excellent environment for computers) to be used by service managers for estimating and techs for looking up information. To this end, an absolute moron has come in and installed his third party software. Of course, a restricted user (which is all these guys are going to get) could not access all the files needed to run the program. No problem, searched out all the related files, changed the permissions, everything is humky-dory, right? Wrong, the software has to dial in to the parts store (can't do the shit online, because that's what I was told it would do, so that's what I prepared for). It will dial fine as an admin or a power user, but not as a restricted user. No problem again, call the software's tech support and find out what files I've missed changing permissions on. First, they say I haven't missed anything, it's a modem issue. Did I mention it warks perfectly unless you're logged in as a restricted user (yeah, modem issue dumbfuck). Finally, I get a little testy with the guy on site (knows right next to nothing about computers) and tell him to call support and get a list of the files the program uses so I can see which ones I still need to change permissions on. They don't know! Call programming. They won't give that information! Today and tomorrow, I am reformatting, reinstalling and re-setting up these computers, because that was tech support's answer. What a fucking waste of time and energy. The dickhead whose idea this was is after me to set up his laptop so he can access our internet connection from any of the stores. So far, I haven't had time. Imagine that. Seems unlikely I'll have time any time soon, doesn't it? Asshole.

Okay, I'm done now.
I'd set that lappy up right quick. With a little friendly delete command.com as a run once in the registry.
I'd just have to fix it. I'm hoping he'll get fired, since he's a total horse's ass, but he has his nose up the owners ass, so probably not until he makes a few more good people quit.
I think I'd be tempted to give him a little modem problem on the lappy...just so he knows first hand what a modem problem is. Call it a learning experience. :D