A: Drive problem

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
The computer I did up for my nieces has developed a problem with the A: drive.

The drive led is on all the time and we get the message "Drive not ready" when trying to access it.

I have tested the drive on my computer to see if it was faulty and it works fine - the light only comes on when it's working.

I tried a different psu thinking that might be faulty but the same thing happened, led on all the time and the "Drive not ready" message when trying to access it.

I can't find any references to this sort of problem in my troubleshooting manuals, does anyone have any idea what may be causing this?
Could be a bad cable or cable not connected properly or maybe not defined in the BIOS.
The cable is new and I checked that it was connected properly. The BIOS is different to what I'm used to and I'm unable to change any of the settings because I don't know what this means:

PU/PD/+/- : Modify

Obviously it's telling you how to change the settings but I don't know how to as I've never used this before and I don't have and can't get a manual.
Try a different cable that you know is good. I've seen bad cables right outta the box.
Flip the cable around. Red line to the other side on the drive itself. Usually does the trick. :wink2:
I changed the cable - it makes no difference...

..and I suddenly realised PU/PD means Page Up/ Page down so I can chnage settings after all.

Surely it has to be something to do with the board drivers?
Aunty Em said:
The cable is new and I checked that it was connected properly. The BIOS is different to what I'm used to and I'm unable to change any of the settings because I don't know what this means:

PU/PD/+/- : Modify

Obviously it's telling you how to change the settings but I don't know how to as I've never used this before and I don't have and can't get a manual.

+/- = I assume it means you can use the + and - keys for the same result.

Usually you use the arrow keys to move to the object that you want to modify, then use the PU/PD key to change value.

I guess I was a little late with this^

I don't think I've ever had to load drivers for a floppy drive :confuse3:

Could be a blown floppy port.....Is this a new mobo?

Do you really need the floppy? I have two puters without floppy drives.
you need to plug the end of the cable to the A: drive (the end with the twist), and make sure to put it right, as Mirlyn said, if you connect it wrong the led will remain active all the time.

PS, some drives needs the red line to go on the outside part of the drive (not inner like most), especially samsung drives.
The board is a BCM FR-500 and is 4 years old and it was discontinued around the time I bought it - low spec budget system. Being an innocent at the time I didn't know that until I wanted to upgrade it 12 months later and found that I couldn't.

BCM no longer have any info on this board on their site - aholes - one reason I'm so fond of ABit they have archives.

There are no drivers specific to the board loaded as the disc has vanished (courtesy of my sisters partner) - I have no idea where he is, only that he's alive. so the PCI controller etc are the ones in '98.

The hdd is 2.1 gb, there is no printer and only a cd rom therefore Rachel has no way off transfering her work between home and college - bummer.

You may be right about a blown port... the bottom PCI slot appeared to be damaged and I was unable to install the sound card in it. Looks like a new case, cpu, memory and mobo are in order. I think this one's been too badly vandalised... :shrug:
Problem sorted... I checked the cables again and tried the end in the drive the other way round! :rolleyes:

What I hadn't noticed with this drive (cos it's in a microtower and it's obscured by a support bar and the psu) is that there are 2 cutouts where you plugin to it whereas there is usually only one, so the cable fits fully either way around - I'm working by touch. I thought I had it connected the right way, obviously I didn't.

Anyway, it's sorted and thanks for your help.

The reason I was messing about with the computer is because I wanted to see if the video card would work OK with and old analogue 17" IBM P70 monitor I had stashed away in a cupboard - it does. :)

None of mine do.

Now I just have to see if I can find drivers for the printers that Jason left behind, if I can get one working that is - daisy wheel and dot matrix - I don't know the makes yet.
I've got a solution, yank the drive, disable it in bios. Presto, fixed.
Just to throw in a little late, HP's have the A: before the twist, contrary to everyone else in the world. Just FYI.
Professur said:
Just to throw in a little late, HP's have the A: before the twist, contrary to everyone else in the world. Just FYI.

Aye, and some of the older Compaqs were the same. Flat/straight single cables from board to drive.

I've seen few bad cables or bad motherboard ports compared to the ole' flipped-cable problem. Glad to hear thats all it was. :wink2:
Mirlyn said:
Professur said:
Just to throw in a little late, HP's have the A: before the twist, contrary to everyone else in the world. Just FYI.

Aye, and some of the older Compaqs were the same. Flat/straight single cables from board to drive.

I've seen few bad cables or bad motherboard ports compared to the ole' flipped-cable problem. Glad to hear thats all it was. :wink2:

Well it's ancient anyway in terms of computers, I know for a fact that BCM discontinued this board in '96, 2 years before I bought the computer - I hate PC World! It's a micro ATX with onboard sound and 2MB of onboard video, both disabled. There is no agp only 3 pci slots, one of which appears to be faulty. It has a 370 socket and takes a pentium 266 or cyrix 300 maximum. The cyrix runs at the equivelent of a p233, which is adequate for wordprocessing, which is basically what it's for. I surfed with it for 2 years before I built my thunderbird so it isn't that bad.

It originally had a 16mb riva tnt video card and an sb 16 soundcard which I added, but all I got back was the case with built in floppy, mobo, ram, processor and heatsink - everything else had been removed - I gave it to my niece not that jerk! The disks, cards and all peripherals had gone. I'm really mad at both him AND my sister for letting him do that and not giving Sophie a replacement. I have to say my sister was technologically challenged - there's no other word for it - she didn't see the necessity of using or owning a computer except to play games. :rolleyes:

Anyway it's now:

Cyrix MXII 300 MHz cpu
FR-500 mobo
128MB EDO Ram (I originally added 96MB when I found I couldn't upgrade the processor - it improved performance - that is the maximum the board takes)
Seagate 2.1GB 4500 rpm HDD - cost me £8 inc postage
Creative 52x CD-Rom - my spare
Savage 3 8 MBPCI video card - £12 (£4 more than the agp type)
Sis 4 Channel soundcard - £6
17" IBM P70 monitor - cost me £25 s/h 18 months ago for the tBird but doesn't like the ATI card so I bought a new one 6 months ago.
Standard keyboard & mouse }
60 watt speakers} both came from original system

OS: 98 (mainly because it takes up the least HD space).
Jasc - paintshop pro 7 and animation shop 3}
MSword - she doesn't use anything else} these are for Rachel
About 15 free games programs that run directly off the HD and take up little room - my utility programs for maintaining the disc - about 2/3 of the disc is free.

I've ordered a couple of games that will run on it and some educational software for Sophie. I also have some reference materials in her age range - I've been trying to convince them that using the computer will benefit them - talk about the dark ages - hopefully she'll use it.

Neither of them have actually used a computer much except at school but if they actually use it and get into it then I'll build them a better one for Christmas - there's no point my spending that type of money unless I know it's gonna be of use and used regularly. In the meantime I will keep an eye on it and carry out regular maintainance as at this point in time I wouldn't trust them to do it without screwing it up.
Aunty Em said:
The cable is new and I checked that it was connected properly. The BIOS is different to what I'm used to and I'm unable to change any of the settings because I don't know what this means:

PU/PD/+/- : Modify

Page Up and Page Down, or + and - keys change the values... A little late too :(
I realised just after I'd posted that that's what it meant - it just popped into my head with no conscious thought - things often do - I guess just typing it out solved the problem for me and I just knew what it was.