A few questions...


Well-Known Member
Ok you upgraded again while i was gone so i'm missing a few things. First what's this allow others to view your reputation thing and how do you view someones rep.
Next: At the bottom of some pages i'm seeing this

Thread Date Comment
A foolish nation... 8/04/03 08:06am It's great to see you back Hex. PT
BEST OTC THINKER award ... 8/04/03 07:54am
israel law limits arab ... 8/01/03 04:11pm Damned nice history lesson.
BEST OTC THINKER award ... 7/31/03 08:16pm Really is good to see you back on the boards. Squig
BEST OTC THINKER award ... 7/31/03 02:18pm

Where are these comments coming from?
Reputation = karma. You can't view someone else's karma comments (just their score - see the pips underneath their name?), only the last 5 given to you. And even then, not who gave it to you, unless they left their name in the comment.
HeXp£Øi± said:
Thanks Freako for getting to this post before fury could tell me to fuckoff.

no sweat hex. :) fury thanks for answering other questions regarding the karma.