A job for the French & Germans


molṑn labé
Staff member
Watch your own backyard & leave the world to the Americans & British.

Drudge said:
US/Russian Team Seize 37-Pounds Highly Enriched Uranium from Bulgarian Plant, WASH POST Planning To Report On Weds... Developing...
A combined US/Russian team is rumoured to have siezed 37 pounds of enriched uranium in Bulgaria, the Washington Post plans to report on Wednesday if the story proves true.

That's how i read it anyway :shrug:
Translation? Europe isn't safe. Which could keep the busybodies busy taking care of their own.

MOSCOW, Dec. 23 -- An international team of nuclear specialists backed by armed security units swooped into a shuttered Bulgarian reactor and recovered 37 pounds of highly enriched uranium in a secretive operation intended to forestall nuclear terrorism, U.S. officials said Tuesday.

Washington Post