A little advice?


Kissy Goddess
I work for Syncrude Canada - big oil sands company- and I love it. I am contracted to them through SNC Lavalin - another pretty good company.

Anyways, I asked for, and recieved, a higher position within one of Syncrude's projects. Thing is, I haven't been re-classified, and yet I am Lead in my department on the project. They still have me classified as Sub-Lead.

So I sent a letter to them requesting re-classification to reflect my duties/position on the 15th of Jan.

I really want, and need, this as I am very soon to be a single mom and the income is needed.

I don't know when is appropriate to follow up on the mail I sent? I don't know what to say, or how, even, to word it?

Anyone have any advice for me on this?
I would think this has been plenty of time for them to respond. An inguirey as to the status of your request shouldn't be out of line at this point. Good luck. I hope you get it. :kiss:
I'd suggest a personal visit to the HR dept. Just to see how the request is coming. It's less acusatory and avoids offending anyone. Or you could just ask your direct superior for a closed door meeting, sometime next week to diiscuss it. Give him/her a chance to look into it. If he/she doesn't, he'll/she'll look a bit stupid come meeting time, so odds are, you'll get some news.
But the office where HR is is 3 hours away... The only communication is via E-mail, phone or snail mail.
Send off an email, it's almost like being there. Really, if you asked almost two weeks ago, it wouldn't be out of line to see what's happening. And don't take no shit!
Two weeks is plenty of time to at least get the ball rolling. If there's all political bs that has to happen in order for you to be reclassified, they should have at least taken some action and should be able to tell you what's been done.

Make very sure that if they do owe you money, that it's retroactive to the day you got the position. I recently had a similar situation and was promised, in writing, on January 1. Since we get paid every two weeks and it hasn't shown up in the paycheck yet, if I don't get it in the next one (tomorrow), I'm going to contact the powers that be to find out when. That way I can calculate how much it's supposed to be multiplied by the pay periods that I didn't receive it to make sure they're not shorting me.

Also, if you're going to continue emailing, see if you can get read receipts for everything. So if you hear, "I didn't receive that email until a week later", you can make sure they know you're checking up. They may be apt to take less liberties with you if they know you're not going to take any crap. If you call, though, you can put someone on the spot where they may take more action than an email which is more impersonal. But you won't get anything to guarantee what was said. Unless you tape the phone call. :D
Use the phone, not email. You sent one email, the follow up should be a phone call. It's more personal, and ensures that whatever you say doens't come off as being "pushy" since they can hear the tone of your voice. That gives a lot of context to a message that emails can't convey.

Emails are fine for direct "matter-of-fact" correspondences, which is what your first inquiry was. Now you are concerned that there is a problem, and simple text makes it difficult to distinguish between concerned, pushy, annoyed, angry, etc.

Give the HR guy/gal a call. ;)