A little rant...


New Member

I'll give you the picture...

Once upon a time, a noble prince, and fair princess were very much into each other. So they got with the smoochies and all that, but as with all things, all that ended. The two lovers parted their ways, vowing to remain friends. Being of social nature, the princess wrote many a short messages to the prince, only basically to be ignored.
A few moons passed, and the princess moved onto a much finer specimen, and the former prince was long forgotten.

No more than two seasons passed before the former prince had lost his new love had forsaken him, for reasons of her own, the prince contacted the princess, just for innocent banter granted, via the previous medium she used many moons before.

Being as kind hearted as she is, she did not laugh in his face and tell him to shove a small furry animal in an orifice of his being for his previous behavior, and continued with the friendly banter.

A short while has passed since then, and the princess has been doing some thinking upon this day, and has come to a rather unsettling question, is this princess mayhap being just used for some desperate need for social contact? Or is she being paranoid?

And here endeth the story, excuse it's uselessness, I just had to vent for a bit.

[edit]: growl [/edit]
I know the "Prince" in question fairly well, we've slain several dragons and lower demons together. And I'm sure he was just been friendly, after all he had cut himself off from the rest of the knighthood some time ago.

My former prince charming did what?? I thought that he visited the old and new taverns many times with you and the rest of the knighthood?

I would have believed that he and the rest of the group would have been in close touch all the time! Perhaps the princesses he had been seeing are to be blamed (me included) for his dissapearance from the realms in which he used to roam.

:devil: perhaps upon the new years festivities we shall harrass him about such things ;) Tee Hee, just kidding.

Well I'm sortta glad to hear that this little princess wasn't a special case with his choice to cut himself off from the rest of the kingdom.
Squiggy said:
:confuse3: So...What about the orafices?...Details Girl, details!....
Orafices are unimportant, dear squire, besides, it would matter little, for the young prince in question wears a suit of armour all the time ;)
this sounds like a tale my mum used to tell me. um wait that wasnt my mum...he he:D