A note to the stingy


molṑn labé
Staff member

Indonesia told foreign troops helping tsunami victims to get out of the country soon and defended tough new restrictions on aid workers, while rich nations prepared to freeze Jakarta's debt repayments.

Indonesian troops have already begun accompanying United Nations missions to help victims of the tsunami and liaison officers are to be posted on the scores of foreign navy ships and military and civilian aircraft bringing in thousands of tonnes of emergency supplies.

I'm also starting to wonder just how selflessly generous we ought to be to a country who clearly despises us this much. :shrug:
abooja said:
I'm also starting to wonder just how selflessly generous we ought to be to a country who clearly despises us this much. :shrug:

Of even higher concern is the fact that, once we've rebuilt their infrastructure, they'll revert to their oppressive ways, and the US will get blamed for restoring a dictator...just because we helped someone in need. :shrug:
Cause of course the US is the only country with troops there. The only one there giving aid. This is all about the US. Definitely. Yep.

Leslie said:
Cause of course the US is the only country with troops there. The only one there giving aid. This is all about the US. Definitely. Yep.

No, but we're the ones being asked to leave. I say we give them what they want.
Leslie said:
Cause of course the US is the only country with troops there. The only one there giving aid. This is all about the US. Definitely. Yep.


Easy there, my Canuckian friend. I'm just voicing an opinon heard quite often when the US gives time, or money, in any given situation. If we're involved in any way, shape, or form, we're to blame if anything goes wrong. I've seen it too many times to be less cynical this time. ;)
I say give the red cross 2mil of the allotted money designated specifically
to them, bug out, and forget um.
Its a muslim nation with a wee touch of civil war and only a moderate grip on the population.. and the track record of the western governments has been that of toppling the governments of muslim nations of late. Whatever military/religious dictatorship they have right now is probably not too enamored to allow any opportunity for zionist spies to occupy their shores and plant their godless spy devices or attempt to ... I don't know... rabble up a coup in the crisis vaccum, or sumsuch. I can't say I blame them ... but the only truly organized help there is on this scale comes in the form of mass military deployments. All of the private sector relief organizations combined cannot organize, scrounge, deliver, disperse, and guard the amount of logisitics required quite the same way as a few military divisions can.
unclehobart said:
Its a muslim nation with a wee touch of civil war and only a moderate grip on the population.. and the track record of the western governments has been that of toppling the governments of muslim nations of late. Whatever military/religious dictatorship they have right now is probably not too enamored to allow any opportunity for zionist spies to occupy their shores and plant their godless spy devices or attempt to ... I don't know... rabble up a coup in the crisis vaccum, or sumsuch. I can't say I blame them ... but the only truly organized help there is on this scale comes in the form of mass military deployments. All of the private sector relief organizations combined cannot organize, scrounge, deliver, disperse, and guard the amount of logisitics required quite the same way as a few military divisions can.

Considering the area hit worst is the center of the civil war, I would think they'd welcome anybody else coming in, and giving them a hand...
Let the indo's choose poorly if they wish.

If the rescue team wants an air-cap on their multi-billion dollar equipment they will just have to leave.