A question for SouthernN'Proud....?


What does the confederate flag mean to you?

Personally I think it's one of those things that really depends on the person displaying it.

Some find it to be very offensive and racist, and some display it with that meaning in mind.

But I am just curious what it means to you?
* Grabs some fried chicken and watermelon to wait this one out...

Don't kill me Gato, just a joke...

Oh, and staff, :lurk:
It is a symbol of my Southern heritage, of which I am immensely proud (thus the screen name). It also stands for a defiance of oppressive government.

Let me preface this by saying that I currently work for my State government. I'm one of the few who feels that government is oversized, while working for that very government. Long story.

Yes, many many misguided individuals have usurped this flag and used it to stand for racist idealology. These individuals and groups are as misguided as are those who think the War of Northern Aggression was about slavery.

For years, I was ignorant about my own culture and heritage. I even tried to mask it. After a period of reflection, research, and observation I decided that, as an Appalachian American and a Southerner, I had not one thing to be ashamed of. Quite the opposite, in fact. The Southern Highlands of Appalachia are rich in culture that any group of people would be right in furthering. My accent, my upbringing, my roots...all are unique to this region. Why would anyone want to deny who they are and where they came from?

After much more research, I came to the conclusion that the Confederacy was right in most of their goals. The War was not about slavery...in fact, more slaves were kept in the Union states than in the Confederacy. The Confederate states did nothing illegal when they seceded from the Union...in fact, what they did was not only the same thing that the celebrated 13 colnies did, it was constitutionally protected. They had every right to secede. Only when the remaining Union states realized that without the South's cotton they had no clothes, that without the South's farm products they had no food...THEN did they attack and force at gunpoint those states to rejoin the Union. In other words, they wanted what we had but were unwilling to spread railroads (the principal mode of transportation) and the industries to those same states. Tell me THAT was right.

So yes, it is a very dear symbol to me, and one of the most misunderstood icons in the history of our nation. I see too much apathy today regarding keeping our Southern heritage alive. This apathy will lead to the death of the very ideals that make this region what is is. That bothers me. I take every opportunity to educate anyone who is willing to listen about the history that they won't teach in schools, including right here where it most matters. It holds zero racial meaning to me. It holds zero negativity to me. As a favorite saying of mine goes, if this flag offends you, you need a history lesson.

No offense taken on my end. I'm all too happy to explain it.
Well I certainly meant no offense, but rather I was merely curious and you answered my question very eloquently. Thanks.
you know, the swastika wasn't originated by the nazi party but it has come to represent all the nasty little things they stood for. the confederate flag is much the same.
Do you even begin to realize
what you just said?!?

Equating some Southerners with Nazi's

Oh that's "priceless"

Now is the part where:
A. She says "That's not what I meant!"
B: Attack the poster (me in this case).
C. Apologize?
D. Tah Dah Yeah all them Southerners a Nazi's

Well Why not our President is! (in the eyes of some Democrats). Markjs?
Or you could just stop looking for a fight :rolleyes:
He asked a question, SaP answered.

Tonksy also pointed out a valid point that people have mistakenly associated it with the wrong things, the same as some people don't realise that the swastika was around before the Nazi's.

Thought trolls were supposed to be afraid of flames.....
A differing opinion is not trolling. I got the same impression from the post. Both things, once beloved by some, are now reviled by many.

Was tonksy's post not PC enough for your taste, Winky? :p
While not as educated (or frankly, as interested) in the historical matriculation of the swastika, I am of course aware of the most notorious use of the symbol. As distasteful and tragically evil as that cause was and is, in my own mind that is one symbol whose association with its famous cause may never successfully be separated.

I am of course aware that the Confederate Battle Flag symbolizes some traumatic ideaology to many people. To try and say otherwise is grossly naive. However, my personal experience has taught me that only through display, and hopefully civilized and eductaed discourse such as this which can follow, will other people come to realize that there might just be another side to that chapter of history than the one taught in 11th grade U.S. History. A version which is largely flawed. But you know what they say about who gets to write the history...

I will add that it is refreshing to be able to present my side of things without getting lambasted for holding an opinion that many are either in opposition to or are unaware of.
tonksy said:
you know, the swastika wasn't originated by the nazi party but it has come to represent all the nasty little things they stood for. the confederate flag is much the same.

Leslie said:
A differing opinion is not trolling. I got the same impression from the post. Both things, once beloved by some, are now reviled by many.

Was tonksy's post not PC enough for your taste, Winky? :p
Twisting what was said in order to make an argument is though....

look. what do people think of when they see a swastika? nazi death camps.
what do people think of when they see a confederate flag? slavery.
i am sure there were millions of good hearted germans too...and i am a fucking southerner. i was stating what peoples general perception of the 2 flags are. i was not promoting the association, i was stating it as fact.
Huzzah Southern! You should really come and do a speech at my school. We had an incident a while back that I posted about, and the flag was banned until the end of the year. Now that it's done and over with, I put flags and bumper stickers all over, and the school is breathing down my neck to take it down. I couldn't even have my flag on my car for car pictures in the yearbook because it was "too offensive".

I refuse to suppress my pride in a nation that had the balls to stand up for themselves :D
OK so did she pick A or D?

Yeah Vanderloo if I recall it was that for merely displaying
that Flag some blacks assaulted white kids in your school.

For just having an emblem it was OK to assault them.

You do know that the Swastika is sooo banned in Germany.

So if one flag stands for Nazism the other for slavery then what does this one evoke?


Yea yeah yeah sure it depends on who you are.

We just make shit up as we go along.
it should symboise freedom and what America stands for. The Southern flag was just a flag during the Civial War so that the Southerners would know the southerners and the Union would knwo Union. It is how it is interpertedbut For the South it is part of their heritage.
Yeah, that's what happened. Kid put a flag on his truck, it got busted up. Then they banned the flag. But all's well now, I'm handling the harrassment wonderfully :D