A Really good Joke


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
A father and his son are walking the Manhattan streets when the father
at a vacant lot takes a deep breath and tells his son:

To think that at one time here on this very lot stood the Twin Towers.

The son looks at his father and asked: Dad, what are the Twin Towers?

Father says: My dear son, the Twin Towers were two tremedously tall
buildings with lots of offices that was the heart of the United
States, but
approx 31 years ago, several Arabs destroyed the buildings.

The boy then thought for a minute and then asked his father:

Daddy what are Arabs?
I thought it was hilarious, but I do realize I have a somewhat twisted sense of humor as well.
Hehe. Nothing wrong with that. Just I have some Arab mates that'd probably take offense at being grouped under the all-encompassing title "Arab" along with Senor Bin Laden and his bumchums. :D
Blowing a fag means something WAY different in my parts. Think I'll just go have a cig and think that one over.
I've heard em called fags, just never heard the phrase "Blowing a fag"
LOL, I have never in my life heard someone say "I need to blow a fag".

"I'm going to have a fag" or "I need a fag" are common and just as bad though, I guess. Ah well... I don't smoke. :)
Besides, when the fuck do you ever blow through a cigarette?! Mommy not teach you how to smoke properly, dude? :D