a suggestion!!


New Member
can you put "view new post" buttons at the bottoms of the pages, too?
or point them out to me, if they're already there and i = blind?
how about adding an online/offline status icon thingie next to the username in threads like there was with the old version?

Unregistered said:
how about adding an online/offline status icon thingie next to the username in threads like there was with the old version?


Isn't that the Green Icon beside the USERS postcount?[edit]nevermind thats the users reputation[/edit]
Unregistered said:
how about adding an online/offline status icon thingie next to the username in threads like there was with the old version?


There is....the folder directly below the post is empty when they aren't online, and full when they are (just like the "new posts" icons for the forums on the index). :)
Can we remove the underline on the links? It'll look less cluttered that way.... :lloyd: :nerd: :devious: :confused: :brush: :drink: :evilcool: :lol2: :alienhuh: :swing:

I miss my favorite smilies....:mope: